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Francis leaned over the balcony watching the scene below . Men were running around . Wagons a were being filled . Horses being saddled . He couldn't say he was happy to see condē go but he defiantly wasn't sad.

Slowly the group of men start to leave . Francis watched as Condē turned around to look at Mary one last time before riding out of view . He couldn't stop the pang of jealous from creeping up on him . Looking at Mary he could see the sadness in her eyes . The way she bite down on her lips to stop the tears . Walking up to her he slowly placed a hand on her shoulder .

"I'm sorry he had to go " he whispered
"It's ok " she said turning around to look at him .

Carefully she lift her hand to his cheek . Goose bumps formed upon his arms as she leaned in to kiss him . Wrapping his arms around her tiny waist he pulled her up to him .

"I love you " she whispered breathlessly
"I love you to more then u will ever know " he moaned against her lips

Suddenly she pulled away , tears glistening in her eyes .

" I have to go " she stated turning around and running off .

Francis stood there puzzled wondering what he did to upset her .
" I wish she would just let me in , let her guard down " he sighed walking off .


Entering her room she slammed door and leaned up against it . Sliding down she placed her head in her hands . She could feel her heartbeat . It was pounding uncontrollable. Placing her hand Over her chest she took a few breaths trying to calm herself down .

It was just Francis she thought just Francis he would never hurt me . She could her feel heart beat calm down slightly .

" Why can't I just feel normal again " she quietly sobbed " why can't it just be like it used to "

I have to be strong . I have to be brave . I have to get better . If not for me then for Francis . For my country . For France . With that thought she got up and brushed the dirt of her dress straightening everything.

Slowly she walked over to the window and looked out . The snow was finally melting giving everything a muddy look .

BOOM BOOM . Mary jumped an twirled around to look at the inside of the door .

"Who is it " she asked keeping her voice from shaking .
"It's me , Mary can I come in please " bash asked sounding a little pained .

Letting out the breath she hadn't noticed she was holding "sure come in "

The door open and in walked the older brother .

Mary motioned for him to sit " how can I help "

Taking a deep breath he looked down into his lap " Mary I came here to talk to you about Francis "

Lifting her hand she cut him off " Bash I know you're just trying to help but please don't it's none of your concern what is going on with me and Francis "

A look of hurt flashed across his features before he pushed it away " ya it kinda is he's my brother and I can't stand to see him in pain. I can't stand to see you in pain "

Sighing she turned around and looked out the window again " Me and Francis are just having a little break , you know what I went threw do u expect me to just be able to jump back in to his bad " she snarled

Taken aback " No Mary that's not what I meant " he stuttered

" Well that's what it feels like . Everyone keeps pushing me to get over it . Don't u think I want to don't u think I'd love to forget but I can't " she said tears streaming down her cheeks

" Mary I'm so sorry " he got up and walked towards her

" Please don't touch me" she whispered making him stop in his tracks.

" Mary just know that you're not alone in this . We're all here for you and Francis he just wants to help you " he softly said before turning around to leave

" I know " she said just as he left the room

Sinking into the chair she let the tears fall silently crying her self to sleep . how did she let we life get so out of control .

A/N review please love to hear every1s thoughts :)

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