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Tapping my pen along the note pad on my desk. I glance up seeing my father walking towards me as I give him a look. "Vic is awake. I want you to talk to her." He informs me.

"Are you sure? I mean you have—"

"I am positive. If anyone can make someone feel safe and comfortable. It's you kid." He smiles.

"Ok, dad." I reply getting up.

"I'll tell Jay when he comes back you went to Med." He tells me.

"Thanks dad." I reply grabbing my coat and slipping into it. Clipping my badge back to my belt loop, and my holster. I walk down the stairs heading to the parking garage in the lower level of the building. Getting in my Jeep, I start it up making it roar to life.

Shifting it into drive, I pull out from my parking space. Once on the road, it doesn't take me long to get to Med and park. Getting out, I take and lock my vehicle up and head inside. Entering the Emergency department, I immediately see Will and walk towards him. "Hey." I say.

"Hey, you here for the woman?" Will asks.

Nodding my head, he returns a nod as I follow behind him. Once we're at the room, I see him walk off as I knock on the door seeing her look up. I give her a warm smile as I walk into her room. "You're the cop from earlier." She says quietly.

I nod my head and give her a light smile, "I am. My name is Avery." I reply to her.

"I'm Rachel." She says softly. "Why are you here, if I may ask?" She questions.

"I am here to talk." I reply stopping at the side of her bed. "The man from earlier, he got away." I reply. "Another man was found shot to death in the apartment above yours." I reply to her. "Can you give me an idea of what happened?" I ask her.

Seeing her picking at the hem of her blanket. I already could tell she'd been abused. Sitting on the side of the bed, I take her hand gently into mine staring at her. "Look." I say softly. "I have been where you are." I tell her.

"You have?" She asks.

I nod, "Before I met my fiancé. I was in a bad relationship. The man I was with, did horrible things to me. I had no one to turn to, till I managed to get a hold of my dad for help." I tell her honestly. "I am going to be your support person, if you let me." I tell her softly. "I won't let anyone near you or hurt you. You'll be in protective custody, a cop with you all times." I tell her.

"You promise?" She questions.

I simply nod my head, "I swear." I reply to her.

"Ok." She frowns. "The guy that was shot. He was taking and doing a deal with my boyfriend." She says softly. "My boyfriend didn't like it and shot him. That's when I called 911. Then he turned on me and began beating me." Rachel frowns, tears forming as they fell down her pale, bruised face.

"What's his name, Rachel?" I ask.

"Jonas." She says softly. "Jonas Greene." She looks up from her hands wiping her eyes.

"Thank you." I tell her. "I am going to get a bolo out on him, and when I get him. I promise he's going to pay." I tell her.

"What about while I am here? Will someone be here with me?" She asks terrified.

"There is already two officers outside of your room. One in the waiting area." I tell her grabbing my phone and texting my dad the guy's name.

"And once we get a picture of Jonas. The cops will know who he looks like. He won't come near you." I tell her.

"Thank you." She inhales deeply, releasing it.

You could see the fear washing away from her, and the small security of safeness filling over her. I take and smile lightly at her getting up, "Here's my cell phone. If you need me, call. I don't care what time it is." I tell her.

"Th—" She stops. "Thank you." She smiles.

"You're welcome, Rachel. Get some rest, so you can began healing." I tell her. "I'll be by later to check on you." I pat her foot lightly and hear my phone ping.

Getting the picture, I show the two officers on guard. Showing the hospital staff as well, and the other officer. This prick wouldn't get near her. I'd make sure his ass would burn for what he'd done to this poor girl.

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