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Feeling Hank slam on the breaks in the Durango. I push the door open jumping out of it. Running around it, I stop at the broken guardrail. I could see smoke boiling up from down at the bottom of the embankment. Taking a deep breath, I feel my hands already shaking as the fear sets in. I begin running down the hill as I hear Hank shouting at the CB and shouting my name.

Ignoring my commander, I got my flashlight on and began looking around. "AVERY!" I scream out.

Not getting a response, I feel the fear getting worse. "Please be ok." I whisper to myself searching the area of the tire tracks through the grass.

Seeing something on below the car, when I reach the rear of it. I run around it going down the hill sliding. When I get to the bottom, I stop seeing Avery laying on her stomach. Running as fast as my legs will take me, I see the blood pooling around her head. "No." I whisper.

Getting on my knees, I quickly begin feeling for a pulse. There's barley one. Not sure what to do, I hear Hank shouting my name. "We need medics now!" I scream at him.

"Jay, why?" Hank asks the fear in his voice.

"NOW!" I scream louder.

Putting my hand to her neck, the pulse begins to weaken. Gently rolling her over, I hold my flash light in my mouth. Staring at her, her face was in bad shape, cuts and blood. Looking at the top of her head, I see the huge wound, and the blood pooling out of it. Ripping a piece of my tee, I take and gently put the pressure to it, to try and stop it to get her pulse stronger to keep her there. Till the medics arrived.

Seeing Hank beside of me taking my flashlight. I look at him seeing the fear on his face, "Her pulse is extremely weak. She has a huge wound on the top of her head. I haven't checked for anymore." I tell him as I see him doing that.

Seeing him rip some of his own shirt and putting it to her side. Tying a piece around her arm and leg. I knew she was critical. Time was of an essence for her, if she was to survive. Hearing Hank telling them we needed Med Flight as well. It wasn't long till the area was lit up with the police and medics. Stepping back with Hank, I see Sylvie and Violet getting to work to stop the bleeding.

Watching them get her on a backboard. Watching Kelly and his team get the backboard and take her up the hill side. I follow behind as I see them loading her into the ambulance. "Jay." Sylvie grabs my arm looking at me. "You can't ride with her. We're meeting the helicopter at the end of this road." She frowned patting my arm getting in.

It wasn't long till I see them turning and heading down. Standing there a minute, I see Adam and Kevin returning to Hank and I. "Charnas is long gone." Kevin tells us.

"I want a damn APB out on that mother fucker." Hank warned. "I want his head on a damn platter." Hank snapped mad.

"Hank." Trudy looked at him holding to his hands. "Deep breaths." She told him. "Come on let me drive you boys to the hospital." She tells us.

Watching Hank nod his head and take and get in the Durango on the side I had been on. Going and getting in the backseat. It wasn't long till Trudy had us going back to the end of the road, and back into town to Med.

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