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Sitting in the break room at the station, I twist the engagement ring on my finger. This couldn't be happening. It just couldn't be happening, three days before my wedding. Letting a faint sigh escape my lips, I run my hand through my hair. Leaning back into the seat, I see my mom walking back in with Trudy as my mom hands me a cup of coffee. Taking it, I sit it down, keeping the mug in my hands. "Honey."

Glancing up, I look at my mom who frowns. "Are you sure you don't want us to call Jay?" Katherine asks.

"I'm sure." I whisper.

"He should know what's going on, and should be here." Trudy points out.

"No." I reply simply sighing. "He needs to enjoy his time out with his guys, and not be worried." I tell them standing up. "Just probably someone with a sick joke wanting to play on Jay or myself." I reply sighing.

"I don't think—" Trudy begins as I turn giving her a glare. "Just saying." Trudy tells me.

Shaking my head, I sigh. "What happened at the café that spooked you so bad?" Kim asks walking in looking at me knowingly.

Seeing my mom eye me along with Trudy. I frown leaning against the wall seeing my dad walking in. "There was this waiter. He was staring me down like I was a prize possession or something." I tell them frowning. "I got spooked, and told the girls I was going onto the dress shop." I pause sighing.

"Once I got to my truck, I couldn't find my—" I stop looking at them. "Keys." I say softly grabbing my keys quickly.

Looking them over, I notice my spare gone. "The spare key is gone." I tell my dad panicking.

"Ok, ok." Hank says looking at me. "Breathe." He adds.

"I'm trying." I reply softly.

"Kim you and Hailey go to the café and see if the guy is there. What did he look like honey?" Hank asks.

"Um." I look at the two women. "He had dark brown hair, um, a nose piercing, tattoos." I reply.

"That's something. We'll find him." Hailey says.

Nodding lightly, I watch them walk out. Sighing heavily, I sit back down frowning. Looking at them, "The note." I reply softly.

"Nothing is going to happen to you. I promise." Hank says.

I nod slowly seeing the three walk out. Sighing, I walk over to the window pulling the blind up. Leaning into the wall, while holding the mug. I take a sip sighing. Staring out at the darkened streets of Chicago, as I feel my heart nearly stop as the fear hits me. Seeing the man from the café, and my truck.

I see him throw his cigarette down and look dead at me from his spot across the street. He looks at me, before a devilish grin forms into his lips. Seeing a bus pass by, once it's out of sight. The man is gone. Taking a deep breath, I rush out of the break room dropping the mug as I see my dad staring. "He's out there." I point scared to death.

"Who?" Katherine asks.

"The guy. From the café, my truck. He was across the street watching me. A bus passed, and he disapp—" I stop as the power in the area shuts off.

Standing in the dark, I feel the fear hitting me worse than before. Taking a breath, I try to calm myself, till the generator comes on. Seeing the power flickering on, I sigh in relief seeing my mom dead on me gripping me in a hug. Holding to her, I let a shaky breath escape me. "Why is this happening to me?" I whisper.

"I don't know, but you're going to be fine." Katherine tells me. "I promise." She adds.

Nodding my head, I keep close to my mom. Seeing my dad and Trudy searching the area. I just hoped they caught this guy, so I could quit being terrified of him doing something, or worse...

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