𝔖𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔢 #3

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Random Alley, Time: Unknown
Day: Unknown
Victor Hudson

I coughed blood onto the pavement, I could feel my left eye closing because of the swelling. It was a painful feeling that I haven't felt in years, it brung me memories that I pushed in the back of my mind.

“How the fuck we get back into this situation Vic?” Jafar  said looking down at me with his dreads in his face covering his eyes
“I mean Vince and Malaysia put us in this state. Giving birth to us worse thing they could’ve ever done” Kent said and he fixed his glasses
“ I just remembered how much i hate looking at your stupid fucking smug face” I got up and groaned in pain, trying to find my balance so i could stand up straight, scar laughed and my head immediately went towards him
“What’s funny? You niggas are me, if i feel pain yall feel that shit too” I reached in my shoe and turned on my tracker, me and sis have one just in case something happened.
“Your face is the one that is fucked up not ours” Scar said smirking
“ Say sum again bitch and i'm going to make you fully blind and not 50%” I spat  aggressively at him
“ You're 50 percent blind too, remember?” Kent said and I felt the scar on the right side of my face

Did they beat me so bad I forgot shit about myself? 100 more memories overfilled my mind.

Jinx Carter, I boxed during my youth, he was the older kid I beat. He got mad because I beat him in front of the neighborhood, embarrassment made him angry. He was aware he couldn’t fight me alone or fight me at all. His only chance was a gun or a knife, and he selected a knife. I was obviously sitting at the bus stop waiting for the bus. He ran up quickly, sliced me right down my eye socket in broad daylight . He ran and I screamed in pain, I have had my arm broken before, but having my eye sliced and the skin around it open. Was the worst pain I’ve ever felt, I couldn't even cry. Someone stopped in the middle of the road and took me to the hospital. My sister wanted blood, but I didn’t want his ass to die yet. He did have talent and so did I, I had to think hard and long about what I wanted his fate to be. Police anit help find that nigga no way.

“It’s sad really, he is one of the world's best boxers today.”
“I guess you weren’t the best after all, huh mike?” Kent said first then jafar after, I balled up my fists and went towards Jafar. I tried to punch him and ended up running into the trash can, making me fall on my stomach. I bit the fuck out of my lip.

They started laughing, I looked back and saw my mother and father covered in blood. Jinx with the hoodie and knife, Jafar and Kent, The kids that jumped me when I was in the orphanage and the director, the first person i killed with a ripped shirt around his neck and his face blue and purple, Gerald laughing holding money, . They stood there together and laughed in unison. All together like this was all on purpose.

“Shut the fuck up all of you! You all ruined my fucking life!” The laughing got louder and they were all around me in a circle closing up on me.



“ Vic, Vicky, you hear me right?”  I heard moe say
“Please tell me your real” I said opening my eyes
“It’s me bro its me” she reached out and i took her hand

She lifted me up and we walked to the car together. I was 7’1 and my sister was 6’4, yes I was bigger than her , she reminded me often that she was still my big sister.
“Oh my fucking god ! Vic! Who did this to you?!” Faith said

Faith and Moe have been in a relationship for 10 years, married for 7. They have a little boy named Rio. Me and him are close, I am the only male figure in his life. I’m not going to say I'm a positive male figure because I have done horrible shit in my past. But I will say that I always try to keep things positive and friendly around him, that's my baby.

“The salvation, that nigga Baby Ben who i worked with works with Gerald when he not in the studio. He missed a drop time and they saw me coming out, overheard my convo and took me off the map for 3 days, or what I think has been 3 days.” I said while moe was holding me in the backseat.

“Man imma kill that nigga fr” Moe said between her teeth

“Sis nah, we don't need nobody coming at us like that no mo”

“Ion play bout you Vic, you my baby brother. I take care of mine, seeing you in that alley screaming n shit just shook me to my core.” She said making her voice softer

“All them niggas gon die anyways, I promise you sis. Them niggas got sum coming for them” I said and smirked

“Nigga you crazy” moe said and we all laughed

While we were laughing I had to stop and cough. My chest was hurting real bad. They might have broken my rib, maybe even punctured my lung. Shit Ion even know how bad my body is, everything is hurting.

"Calm down vic, we are almost there. i'm going as fast as I can" faith said

"thanks sis n law. where my baby?" i asked wishing i could see him

"he's at faith mom house, we was just over there talking and then we saw your gps turn on so we had to come and get you" moe said and then got out the car

she walked to my door and carefully helped me get out, they stood on one side of me and help carry me inside.

"he missed you, he got so use to seeing you everyday and being with you on the weekends. talkin bout where my uncle  when is he coming to get me. " faith said and I smiled letting out a small chuckle

Knowing that somebody cares for you and appreciates you for being alive and being you is the best feeling you could ever feel in the world. I'm grateful for this little family. I'm glad my folks anit leave me wit nobody to take care of me , or I would've been in prison for a death sentence. That's the only thing I can thank them for.

"how may I help you- oh my god nurse!" she called and two nurses came rushing out. I could barely see them because my chances of seeing them were now a slim 20%.

They laid me on the stretcher , which my feet were hanging off of.

"we are coming back bro! we are here for you!" moe yelled holding onto faith
"he doesn't look good at all, we have to hurry up . His face shows signs of internal bleeding ." the male nurse said

I couldn't see what he looked like, but his voice was smoothing, pleasing to my ear.


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