𝔖𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔢 #10

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Home, Time: 1:56
Deandre Simmons
Day: Sunday

Date? Haven't been on one since I met Malian, and it's my first one with another man at that.

I'm both excited and worried about dating another man for the first time. It's a new and thrilling experience for me, but I'm also nervous about how it will turn out. I can't wait to explore my feelings and emotions, and to learn more about myself and what I want in a relationship.

But at the same time, I'm worried about how others will perceive me, and whether I'll be judged or rejected because of who I am. I know that it's important to approach this new experience with an open mind and a willingness to learn and grow, but I'm still worried about making mistakes or hurting his feelings. Despite my worries, I'm determined to take the time to get to know vic, to understand his wants and needs, and to communicate my own thoughts and feelings.

I'm ready to be vulnerable and honest, and to have fun and enjoy the journey, even if it's not always easy. I'm excited to see where this new adventure takes us, and I'm looking forward to every moment of it, even if it's a little scary at times.

Too much for a first date with someone I jus met a week ago?

Jus pulled up, come on out.
Seen at 1:58

I grabbed my wallet and went to meet him. I didnt want to overdress, so i went with a Plain white t, Balmain jeans and forces along with small accessories. As the levels went down I got more nervous, my hands got sweaty. What the fuck was happening to me ? I never felt this feeling and its a bit over whelming.

My phone rang and it was Vanessa, I answered.
"wassup bro, tryna come over n watch empire?" She said happily

"I can't sis sorry. Goin out onna date"
"Date? Who yo folks convince you to go out wit now ?" I knew she was cackling behind this damn phone

"Nobody, I'm done following their orders. Its time for me to live my life the way I want. So I decided to go out with victor." I said smiling at the pronunciation of his name

"Oh shit! No way! Nigga he is fineeeeeee"
"Yea, yea. We jus goin onna date, Ian say we was thinkin bout dating"
"I knew he had a agenda, I saw his ass smirking at you. N I know that nigga don't play n get everything he wants when he wants it.”
“So you knew him before I did?” I questioned
“He’s the best producer and business man in NY right now. Plus we grew up in the same neighborhood, best believe that shit was rough.”
“Alright, well I have to go. I don’t want to keep him waiting.”
“Call me with details!” She yelled in the phone and hung up

I waved at Kate, who was the apartment secretary, if that's what you call them. She lets us know who is here and she allows who goes up if we say it's okay.

He was sitting on top of Matte Black Porsche 911 with a GT sports wing and black matte rims. The car was nice as fuck.

“Hey handsome, you look good” He complimented me while licking his lips
“It’s nice to see you not in a hospital gown with your ass hanging out” I said smartly and he walked up to me
“Big mouth for a little guy yk?” He deepened his voice more
“I-I” I stuttered while he was standing over me

He smelled like vanilla, cocoa butter, lavender and more nature like things. He backed up smirking and opened the door for me.

“Ain't nothing wrong with opening the door for a man, this isn’t gay.”  He jokingly said making me smile

I got in the car and he closed the door gently. He went to the other side, got in and started to drive.

“You sure you should be driving a car that is nice to the projects?” I asked curiously
“Ian really worried about them niggas, I grew up with them and when they see a scythe they know who the fuck their messing with”
“And what's a scythe?”
“It’s the weapon the grim reaper carries”
“I didn't know that, I guess we learn something new everyday” 
“Yea” he replied nonchalant                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

There was an awkward silence in the car, I was going to break it.

 𝕿𝒉𝒆 𝕻𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 Where stories live. Discover now