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Hospital, Time: 12:22 Pm  
Victor Hudson
Day: Thursday

I entered Tahj's hospital room with gifts, my sister told me she set his room up already so when they discharged him today he will have a room in my house.
"Hey buddy" I said giving him his gift
"Hi" he smiled showing his teeth that was brighter and beautiful then the first time I saw him
"I got yall some food and gifts…where is Dre lil man?" I asked
"I don't know, he didn't check on me. Maybe he's busy?" He said and I tilted my head

Something is wrong

"Gon head and eat baby. I'll go find Dre and when I get him we going home" I said and he lit up
"yes sir home, i'll be back" he nodded and I left the room

I walked around the hospital, I didn't see anybody and I was a bit upset at that. Then I saw Dr. Kennedy.

"There you are victor, dre has been asking for you the whole time" He said and then turned around, I followed him balling up my fists

"What's wrong with him?" I asked sternly

"Something bad happened Victor, I think it's best he tells you" He said and then opened the door to his doctor's office.

"Im not telling you shit until victor gets here stop asking me questions please!" he shouted at the police officers in the chair with his hands on his face
"baby?" I said and all three of them looked at me

Dre got up and ran to me, I caught him and he fell in my arms.
"he hurt me pa" he said and I rubbed his head
"explain to me please." I said softly
"He was trying to r-rape me, I could barely get him off. He was stronger than me." he cried into my chest

the officers wrote it down

"Tell me who papa? Who did it?" I was eager to know
"Chris" he spit out and a wave of anger came over me

"How did this start exactly Mr.Simmons?" The female officer asked
"I was clocking in, he said something then he started choking me- There is a c-camera in there. All your evidence is there" He explained and I was trying to find a way to not flip

"We got everything we needed, we will keep in contact" The male officer said and they both left

"no baby no, I hear your heart. You can't right now." He pleaded with me knowing what I was capable of
"he needs to die"
"Please not right now, hold me" he held onto me tighter
"im sorry, im going to fix this, I promise"

The Next Day

"Thanks for watching him sis" I dapped her up
"No problem, I got a nephew now. Rio need kids his age to play wit too" We said walking up the stairs to check on them playing together

Tahj was coloring and rio picked up the red crayon that was beside them.
"Did you want that? Im sorry I was just using it" He apologized quickly
"Oh no, these are yours. Uncle Vic brought them for you, I'm just using your crayon for a small second" Rio reasured him

We valued reasureance in the Hudson family.

"Im sorry, Im not use to people being nice to me" He said sadly putting his head down
"Thats okay, ill forever be nice to you! Your different! To me you look like a cool action figure. We are more alike then anything, people are not so nice to me either but it doesn't stop me from being kind!" He said smiling missing one tooth

"Seems like you got life under control" Tahj said and rio tilted his head

"kinda deep for a kid" mo whispered to me
"very wise for a kid" I replied quitely

"Not really, I'm only 5. My mommy's say enjoy childhood because being an adult is ass” He said and Mo's smile dropped, I just laughed. These kids bro.

“Sounds like something my papa would say, not the smaller one” He said smiling talking about me and dre

I wasn't expecting for him to refer to us as his dads that early, we were still unsure about being fathers. Just because we were it doesn’t mean that we should stop and give him to the system, we are not giving up on him. But as you can see how easily folks can get comfortable with me, I'm handsome and charming.

We walked in the room together.
“Hey get your stuff ready and go say bye to Dre” I said and he looked at me then nodded

Rio hugged my legs then went with mo, I walked to my room following him. He slowly opened the door and walked over to where Dre was laying.
“Papa?” He called Dre

Dre opened his eyes and looked at him, he smiled hearing that he was called papa. I smiled and crossed my arms leaning on the door frame.

“I just wanted to say goodbye before I left.”
“Thank you, I hope you have fun and I'll most definitely be here when you get back.”

They smiled at each other and tahj hugged him.

“Run downstairs buddy, your aunt has everything you need.” I said placing a gentle kiss on his head
“Love you guys, see you later” he happily said while running downstairs to accompany his aunts and cousin

I walked over to the window and watched them leave. I faced the bed and looked at dre. He was traumatized and he’s never been through anything so scary before. From the way he grew up, he never had to fear anything. If he had to fear anything it would be the disappointment of his parents, now that he is at the point where he doesn't care about what they say, do or expect he will now feel and deal with things he never felt or dealt with before. Chris planned his attack on Dre, even if I wasn't going to spawn in his life Chris was always going to do this to him. Maybe it would be a accual rape and not a attempt.

“Can you lay with me?” He asked and I agreed, taking some clothing off, getting inside the covers with him and lastly, cuddling with him.
“I'm sorry, I thought you would want to be left alone.”
“I don’t want to be alone right now, especially when you're here with me.”
“You know I'm down for you shorty.” I held him close, providing him comfort.
“I know, you probably have stuff to do tomorrow though”
“I do but after I get all that shit done, Im gon be here wit chu” I said and he shifted in my arms now looking at me.
“Thank you” he gave my a kiss and I kissed him back
I kinda blushed, that was rare. Ion blush for nobody.
“I didn't know your mean ass could blush” He said smiling with his hand on my face
I chuckled at his comment

“I don’t. But you have this effect on me I can't shake, i can’t help it”
Seems like when he was talking to me he forgot everything just for a slight second. I never saw myself as a good guy, My sister always told me and I never believed her. But with Tahj and Dre coming into my life and changing the dynamic of it, I now believe I'm not as bad as I think I am.

“You have that effect on me too, You hold me down and I got you.” He said and I smirked

Small Authors Note
Sorry for the slow updates, Its not writers block. Im just a mentally ill and unstable nigga so it takes longer sometimes.
Please leave comments, I absolutely love reading them and seeing how you feel about the chapter or character.
With Much Love, From

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