𝔖𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔢 #9

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Grim Records, Time: 5:11 Am
Victor Hudson
Day: Sunday 

“You sure you wanna go back to work early lil bro?” Moe said standing outside the car glancing at me
“Yea sis, gotta find my god damn car next” I laughed and she laughed as well
“Ight, call me if you need sum. I love you”
“I love you too.” I replied , she got back in the car and pulled off

Security was added at the door, Quin and Cease wanted to make sure nothing would happen to anybody like what happened to me.

“Welcome Back Grim.” They said opening the doors for me
“Thank you” I said and walked in

I fixed my suit coat and looked around. Everybody was slacking around, laying on my 7,000 dollar furniture. My secretary Stacy, was doing her nails. Imma put these motherfuckas in check. I slowly went up to Stacy.

“How much for do you get paid to lay around?” I asked and leaned on the counter.
“A pretty good amount why you wanna- boss?!” She said with a scared face.

I grabbed her head and dragged my lips to her her ear.
“Do your fucking job or I’ll replace you bitch. Understand?” I said threw my teeth making her nod fast

I let her go and turned around towards everyone. I smacked someone’s feet off my coffee table.

“You, clean up the dirt on my table. The rest of y’all get back to FUCKING WORK OR I WILL REPLACE YOU ALL WITH PEOPLE WHO WANT THESE JOBS” I yelled and everybody quickly did what I told them to do.

I walked to studio 8, Quin told me he was in there with Baby Ben. I ignored all the welcome backs, I will greet them later because right now I was pissed. I say bitch to everybody, I have no respect for anyone but who I care for.

"yo boss wassup" cease said and dapped me up
"what up, where quinton?" I asked
"bathroom rq"
"baby ben is?" I questioned and he pointed in the booth

This nigga was in my booth getting his dick sucked by two girls, getting high with his buddies in there.

"Is this nigga for real?" I questioned
"I told them to leave, but they wouldn't listen." He said and I believed him
"that nigga sti- yo vic waddup" he dapped me up as well.
"Yall get ready" I said and pulled off my suit coat

I opened the booth door
"everybody get tf out ! " I yelled

The girls got up and hurried away, his boys were sitting there like I wasn't talking to them as well.
"I said everybody bitch. " I stared at them while they sucked their teeth and went in the main.

"Damn boss , if you wanted a lil top i'm sure one of em would do it. Hoes is hoes" He stood up and adjusted himself .
"You sat your naked ass on my stool?" I balled up my fist
"I was gon-" I punched him dead in his mouth

I laughed, I started laughing hysterically. Did they forget who I was?

His boys came in to jump me. But I was bigger and stronger then them, so all they would do is get hurt. I turned around and once went for a punch, dodged and hit in the stomach. The other aimed for my leg, but I picked him up before he touched them. I threw him against the wall, now my shit had a hole in it.

I focused my eyes back on ben. I got on top of him and punched him, repeatedly not stopping.

"YO YO YO HE GETS IT" Cease said pulling me off of him because I let him

I held my chest and groaned in pain.
"I just got out and you give me this bullshit ben. I took yo lil ass out the streets and gave you a chance to get money in a more realistic way, without a QUICK BUCK. If you was going to be in a gang under my roof you would at least follow my rules , which is do your damn job. BITCH I ALMOST GOT KILLED AND LOST EVERYTHING. But no no no no, nobody will kill me but me" I pushed cease off

"I got dis." Quinton walked in with the cleanup crew, not a legal one if you understand. 

"Sorry cease, I'm upset, okay? Call the company and tell them I need my studio redone." I fixed myself and pulled out my phone

Today at @2?
Read at 5:30

Sure, Ill send my address.
Read at 5:31

Date, Im going on a date.

 𝕿𝒉𝒆 𝕻𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 Where stories live. Discover now