𝔖𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔢 #7

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Hospital, Time: 1:37 Pm
Victor Hudson
Day : Saturday

Everytime I stood up it felt like someone was stabbing me in my chest. I'm starting to get up and move, I don’t like sitting down for so long. My family left last night and since they have been gone, I haven’t talked to any of these nurses or doctors. I appreciate that they stayed with me for 4 days. I don’t fucking like these people, especially that Christopher nigga. Nurse Christopher Gustavo, If he touches dre, ill break his fucking neck.

My therapist said if I ever decided to get in a relationship, it is better to be friends first and then develop a relationship. That would be correct if you didn't have a disorder with an obsession. I've never been in a real relationship, had sex multiple times. But I just never found a person so interesting.

Deandre though, when our eyes connected I felt this feeling in my stomach that was so strong my dick twitched with it. I can’t shake that feeling, it grows every time I hear his voice, his face and embrace his smile. He didn't have creases around his mouth when he smiled, that's a sign that he rarely smiles.

“Victor?” I heard him and turned around
“Yes Dre?” I said and we made eye contact
“How you feeling? Why are you even standing up? he smiled making one appear on my face
"Ion like allat sitting down, so I'm tryna stay movin so when i leave ill be good "
"thats not how it works big guy. here i brought you this." he handed me those things when you blow in it and see how high it goes

my face scrunched up so fast , that shit might be the only thing that could kill me

"i know, sit down so i can check out other things" he said and i smirked hard

i got sum you can check out dre.

I sat on the bed holding this thing Ian even know what it was called. He grabbed the stool and sat it Infront of me and then sat on it. He turned around and grabbed material to check my blood pressure. I was looking to see what he was getting, but my eyes started to pand down.

His muscular back and to his ass that was incredibly fat. You could tell he worked out , but he anit have a muscle ass, he had a i eat soul food and my hips was from my mama side of the family ass. I licked my lips, just imagining how his dripping wet hole would look like after I ate it .

"Victor ?" He said getting me out of the little daydream I was having
"Shit my bad, I was just thinking" I smiled

What the fuck victor? I mentally face palmed myself.

"here, since you can't do it yourself" he said playfully and putting the piece in my mouth 

He placed it in my mouth and i blew into it. He put the band around my arm and started pumping. I coughed hard and then his hand appeared on my chest, he touched the place my heart would be in.

"It's going faster than average, I should've asked you to wait. You're almost back to where you should be, but still try to aim higher."
"So does this mean I can't sing anymore?" I said and he looked up at me
"you? you can sing?" he said suprised at my response
"Yes, I mean. I own a record label and I have a few songs out. Never really released an album, mixtape or ep. Just stayed in the background producing, engineering, writing. I wrote shit thats onna radio rn" I said
"I mean, I wouldn't know unless you actively did it. Then I could determine." He hinted that he wanted to hear 

The song that instantly popped in my head was say yes by floetry. I started singing the verse and once I got to the chorus I started coughing. His hand went on my chest, that feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“That was really beautiful.. um, keep using this and even take it home and work on it whenever you can. Everything sounds n-normal. Um I gotta go.” He got up and walked towards the door

I grabbed the paper with my number on it, I wrote it down before he came in here.

“Yo Dre. Wait.” I got up and he turned around, his eyes went up because I was taller than him.

“I wanna take you out on a date. You call and text me when you want to, whenever no matter what time it is. I know you are closeted, but I can keep a secret.” I said and handed him the paper

He smiled and I smiled back.

“I will hit you up.” He opened the door and walked out

Every part of me just wanted him to come back.

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