𝔖𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔢 #23

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Home, Time: 12:49

Deandre Simmons

Day: Sunday

"Vic?" I called out for him

He didn't answer so I began to roam around the house, he always answered. I went upstairs and checked Tahj's room, no one was in there but him sleeping. I checked in the nursery and no one was in there. I then checked in the bedroom, there were things out of place. Not messy but in places they were not in before. I turned to look behind me and noticed the balcony door was open. I went outside and found him there slouched over in a chair staring dead at nothing, nothing was there.

"Vic baby?" I said and he raised his hand getting the flys out of his face

"Yes?" he looked up at me and began to sit up straight

"Are you alright? I haven't seen you all day" I asked sitting across from him

He looked at me with a blank expression. I couldn't read a single amount of emotion on his face.

"Everything seems too good to be true and I feel like this is God's sick way for getting back at me for all the crimes I have committed in my lifetime." he said

I sighed and gathered words to say in this situation.

"It always seems to be what it isn't sometimes. But do you ever think that people like you need love and are worthy of love more than anyone else? I mean look at how you grew up. Your parents died when you were a toddler and you only had your sister. Of course your sister loved you but since she was dealing with her own demons she didn't really give you the nurturing every child needs and that ain't no one's fault but the two consenting adults that decided to have y'all. This is very much real and I'm very much committed to you. When good things comes fast you start to believe its fake, but fast is fun and exciting. Something you can form a love for. That's a reason why some people love roller coasters, because of the thrill it gives them. You give me that thrill everyday." I said truthfully and a smile appeared on his face

"I needed that thank you.... Dre I'm gonna be 30 soon and I'm not a child anymore. I think it's time I find that space in my heart to forgive my parents. Because If I don't I will fuck everything up for everyone and I refuse to make that mistake again."

"I got an idea. We can get dressed, and go look for some closure. Maybe there is someone out there who knows your mother and fathers last words, or their final thoughts about you and mo. Many different things can come out of this, you just have to be ready to deal with the reaction that comes with it." I told him and he nodded

We both got up and went to the closet. It was a walk in one and half of my stuff was already in here. He didn't go where he usually went, he went farther back into the closet. When he came out he was holding a suit, something I never saw him in.

"I bought this a long time ago. When I believed that I wasn't going to be living that long. I still think that way but not as strongly." He said taking off his clothes to get dressed.

This is the first time since I've met him that I've seen him genuinely sad. You can see it on his face, you can feel it when you touch his skin, he was cold, cold as a corpse.

I was grateful for my parents to a certain degree, because as much as I was taking care of financially and physically I was emotionally deprived. Every child deserves love from parents, siblings, or anybody who is willing to love them unconditionally. That's the reason why I quickly decided to be Tahj's other father, because he needed two people in his life that loved him.

It was heartbreaking that victor bought a suit to wear to his own funeral. Waiting for the day that death would tap him on his shoulder and take him into a warm embrace. It was clear that he wasn't scared of death, he was just waiting for death to come get him.

"I thought we were-" I began to say but he cut me off

"No, I need to say goodbye on my own terms. I don't want anybody to tell me anything that could possibly make me mad. I'm in a good spot in my life and I want to keep it that way." He said and I nodded.

We all got out of the car. Tahj grabbed victor's hand then reached out for mine, We held hands until we got to the tomb stones. He stared down at them, placing one rose on each grave. It started to pour, but we stood out here anyway, paying our respects to the dead.

"I don't know who yall were, I have no memory of touching either of you. I never baked with you mother, I never played ball with my father. All the moments when I needed you both you weren't there and that's okay. I have accepted the life I wasn't given and I'm happy now. I'm getting married soon, and I have children. Mo and Faith have a little boy, he is smart. Like super smart." He said making me smile

"I hope the rumors aren't true, and I hopped yall loved me like how I thought yall did or could've I don't know. " He got up and it started to pour down raining out of no where.

He came to me and hugged both of us. We hugged him back, slowly being drenched in the cold rain that poured down onto us. This was a new chapter of our life. Healing, understanding, responsibility and the most important thing of all, love. 

Sorry for the late update. I'm an artist and a producer and writer with mental health issues that's why some of these books never get finished because I get uninterested and start to think nobody really enjoys these stories. For a long time I thought that my writing was bad, so as a writer I'm learning how to include more detail and take things a bit slower. Thank you all for reading, I'm working on completing this book and making some more after it is done. - Teddy

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