The consequences after the champion selection

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November 3rd, 1994

Great Hall, Hogwarts

Daphne POV

"Daphne, what did you do?" Ask a very angry Astoria Greengrass. She was good at acting, Daphne can see that. So, it was Daphne's turn

"What are you talking about, Tori?" Ask a confused Daphne. Of course, she wasn't confused at all but she need to make everyone believe it

"What did you do to Harry?" Astoria ask in anger. Daphne Greengrass decide to win her sister in who was a better actress and so she gulped and look away. She cannot tell her or who knows what that Death Eater would do. Just like Harry predicted,  Snape blackmail her and Tracy. He even blackmail Susan, Hannah and Neville.

"I didn't do anything Tori" Daphne said. She then saw Malfoy coming their way and she had a bad feeling. Malfoy will say something stupid and pissed off Tori for real

"Get out of here, traitor!" Sneered Malfoy. Daphne facepalm at that "your little Potty isn't here to defend you!. Can't believe you decide to became the whore of that disgusting half-blood!". Daphne was about to curse him, as no-one calls her sister that word or insults her betrothed but before she could do anything or anyone could stop Astoria, she use the glacious spell on Malfoy's jewels but what make all boys shudder and put their hands on their precious parts was when Astoria knee him there, making Malfoy do a girly scream, that make even professor Flitwick shuddered She obviously ended the Malfoy line with that.

"Do not insult the one that save my life, ferret" said Astoria, making Daphne's eyes widened. Nice one Tori. Just like we plan. Time for Dumbledore to know why Harry was betrothed to Astoria Greengrass

"What?" said Daphne faking confusion

"Harry is a potion genius, not matter what the pet of Dumbledore says" said Astoria "He created the cure, which for some reason came from his blood but father did not care and he told me to make sure you did not do anything stupid and you do exactly that!!!!"

"What the bloody hell are you talking about!!!!!" screamed Daphne in anger. Daphne then saw Dumbledore standing up. Of course, no-one knew why Harry hasn't attend classes yet, except the teachers. It was three days and no-one could figure out why.

"I have an announcement" said Dumbledore. Daphne could see he was pissed off and faking sadness "I have sad news. Harry Potter has drop out of Hogwarts and he will be receiving education from tutors the rest of the year. He also will be representing his own house and by that I mean house Potter"

"Typical of Potter" sneered Snape. That bastard never learns. Even when he was at the hospital wing after pissing Harry off

"SHUT UP, DEATH EATHER!!!" scream Astoria "if you don't want the fury of house Greengrass, shut up your mouth!!!"

"Why you....!" Snape started but a look from McGonagall shut him up and froze him in fear. Daphne wonders why nobody say anything about Malfoy, who was still in floor, whimpering and holding his jewels.

"If I were you, Severus, I wouldn't speak of mr Potter or you will be in the receiving end of spells and I will not stop it nor I will give any detentions or point lose, infact, I will do you all the time" McGonagall said in anger "as have seen with mr Malfoy who was stupid enough to insult a member of house Greengrass". So that's why.....

"And what is that?" Sneered Snape before Dumbledore could stop him. Ronald Weasley decided to sneezed in that moment very loudly q

"Twenty points to Gryffindor for such a great sneeze, mr Weasley" said McGonagall, making Ron Weasley blushed and making the Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors burst into laughter. Daphne then notice that  Malfoy was already sitting but he was uncomfortable but suddenly, the ferret Malfoy burp by accident, as he blushed a crimson red "twenty five points from Slytherin for the lack of manners, mr Malfoy" sneered McGonagall

"What!" Said Malfoy with a girly voice, still with pain with what Astoria did to him "but why?"

"For been a pig" said McGonagall "and now that I remember, one hundred points from Slytherin for calling that foul word to ms Greengrass!". Daphne saw that all Slytherins wanted to murder Malfoy in that very moment

"Wait, then I two hundred points from Gryffindor for attacking mr Malfoy!" Said Snape sneering

"It was worth the loss" said Tori "and I can take all the points back. We all can and besides, it's just a stupid cup, who cares?". Daphne saw many students nodding "that cup had only make us hate school, specially with you, professor". Astoria sneered at Snape. Daphne saw Snape about to say something like a child but Dumbledore stop him

"That's enough!" Said Dumbledore "and I want to see you after classes, ms Greengrass"

"I will send a letter to my father" said Tori "I want him present"

"That won't be necessary" said Dumbledore with twinkle eyes

"Yes, it will be" said Astoria "after all, I am a minor and you are just my headmaster". Daphne then thought of something, where would Harry be if Dumbledore thinks he is at those despicable muggles?. Maybe with Sirius?. She will have to ask him later. She look at the other heirs on the alliance. Their parents or legal guardians already knew of the plan. Harry is going to prank magical England in a very good way. Fudge and Dumbledore don't won't know what hit them

AN: Two chapters in one day or it is three?. Well, anyways, I already had this chapter written and it was originally the second chapter until I decide to make the story different. As you can see, Astoria and Daphne fighting is an act. It's part of their plan to make the stooges suffer. Well, thank you so much for reading my story and sorry for those who are waiting for the others. Maybe I will continue maybe not. Just don't expect anything of my very older ones. Those are very badly writing. I wrote them before taking writing classes, so, they aren't very good, at all. So I will unpublish them little by little.

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