Trying to find the chamber

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February 10th, 1993

Hogwarts, Scotland

Harry POV

Classes were starting to get hard and Harry couldn't find more clues of the chamber location. Harry knew that Tracy Davis was been possessed by a horocrux but he didn't the object was. To be worse,  Tracy had distance herself from Daphne and according to Daphne, Tracy was not sleeping at all. She was also falling in classes. Daphne  knew the secret as to why this was happening and she thanked Harry for telling her

"How the hell we help Tracy?" Astoria ask Harry "she is like another big sister to me"

"Well, first, we need to discover more about the famous chamber" said Harry "we need more clues"

"I have one clue" said Daphne "The ferret was bragging about it. Something about a girl that died in a bathroom fifty years ago"

"Mourning Myrtle" Ginny mumbled suddenly

"What that annoying ghost had to with....." Started Hermione. She join after apologizing to Harry and he accept it. But told her there won't be another chance. This was the last one "unless...."

"She was the one that was killed" finished Harry "let's go to classes and then we can ask her". The group nodded and then went their separate ways. Harry had a bad feeling about that decision and his guts were giving their thoughts on it

Few hours later, after classes

"Have you seen Ginny?" Harry ask then worried Fred and George. They shook their heads. Where could she be?. He was worried and Astoria was missing as well. Why did he leave them alone!. Damn it!!!!!. Harry was angry with himself for not following his guts that were telling it was a bad decision to leaves the girls alone

"No" said Fred "why?. When was the last time to spoken to her?". Fred and George apologize for their behavior after Harry quit the team, saying they were playing and they didn't believe he was the heir of Slytherin but they couldn't defend the others actions. Oliver wasn't happy and was too proud to apologize for his errors, which he payed the price, as they lost badly on the next quidditch match and still didn't apologize nor did the girls.

"I haven't seen her since....." Harry started and his eyes widened with horror as he run off towards Mourning Myrtle's bathroom, ignoring the shouts of the twins but stopped as he saw the teachers but before he could do anything, he was drag by someone, who turn out to be Daphne "let me guess...." Harry started

"Astoria is missing!" She said worried "and Tracy too". He look at wall and froze. No!. Harry will not lose anybody else that snake face bastard!!!!. He knew in his mind that it was Voldemort behind this and he will not let him hurt anybody he loves ever again!!!!. And then, his inside lion let a roar. The snake bastard will regret forever messing with House Potter and he swears he will send him mrs Death

Their Skeletons will lie
In the chamber forever

"We need to go, now!" Said Harry, his new Gryffindor side taking control of him, in other words, go face the danger like an idiot and ask questions later. Harry wonders if all Gryffindors are like that or only him. Guess he will ask someone later

"You are right" said Daphne with confidence. She then confessed that the hat almost put her in Gryffindor and the same thing was happening to her, meaning, run into danger without a care "but can I ask why?. Even if she is a Gryffindor, she is my sister and I am a Slytherin and Tracy is a Slytherin as well. I understand Ginny but I still have to know"

"Because Astoria is my friend" said Harry "Tracy is like a sister to Astoria and she would want me to help her and Ginny will probably cursed me if I don't help Astoria and I behave like Ronald. I have no problem with Slytherin house as long as you don't follow Moldypants, you are good enough for me. Ginny is like a dragon when angry". Harry shuddered when he remember he got hexed when he took Neville side in one of their discussions. Girls are troublesome......and scary

"Then, let's do something Gryffindorish, shall we?" Daphne said smiling

"You got it" said Harry. Harry and Daphne then went to the bathroom of Myrtle


"Girls are troublesome....." Harry said

In another universe, far far away...a few minutes early

"Don't make any noice, got it?" Said a man

"Yes, sensei!" Said three kids at the same time. They advance quietly..... until....

Present time

ACHOO!!!!" A pineapple hairstyle kid sneezed very loudly, attracting the enemies attention "what a drag.....". A blond hair girl slap him behind his head, making yelp in pain

"BAKA!!!!" she screamed in anger

Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto and this omake is just for fun, he won't appeared at all except if I do something like this.

Here is another chapter for you guys. I have more but I am editing them and making them better. Please vote and comment!

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