A dementor and an eagle

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September 1st, 1993

Hogwarts express

Harry POV

Harry enter the train, looking for his friends. He had send letters to the Greengrass sister's, Tracy Davis, Ginny Weasley and even Hermione. Ron didn't apologize, he even, became more angry when he saw Harry talking with Slytherins and accused Harry of been dark. Ron ended in detention for the rest of the year. Harry had learn the patronus charms from Sirius, his godfather, because the brainless minister decided to put dementors in Hogwarts. How the hell Fudge became minister, he will never know. He then enter a compartment where he was later joined by Astoria, Daphne, Tracy, Hermione, Ginny and Neville. Harry suddenly blushed when he saw Astoria looking at him, as he remembered what happened a few months ago. Ron was still being Ron, meaning he was acting as a git, choose to sit in another compartment with Seamus and Dean, who both were as dumb as Ron, considering the three of them thought Slytherins were evil, Ravenclaws were nothing more than bookworms and Hufflepuffs were useless, which Harry Didn't believe at all. For him, not all Slytherins were evil, he was a secret Ravenclaw and he love to study, so, he was a proud bookworm and Hufflepuffs were more loyal when they aren't behaving like idiots. Susan Bones and Hannah Abbot apologize for their behavior and they ask for not breaking the alliance. Harry forgive them. And as he was thinking of the Hufflepuffs ladies, they enter the compartment.

"Hello" Susan said shilly "mind if we join?"

"Sure" said Harry "you don't mind, right?". All the girls nodded, while Neville blushed scarlet. As the hours passed, they started to talk about the classes, Harry could only sweet-droop  when Hermione in all her wisdom told us that she decided to choose all electives and ignore everyone when they told her it was a really bad idea idea and Harry gave up after an hour "it's your life and I hope you do not died of overwork, Hermione". Hermione puff her cheeks at hearing that.

"I will manage" said Hermione annoyed

"You are really stubborn, Hermione" said Neville "why would you want muggle studies been Muggleborn?. And my grandma told me divination is useless"

"I want to see the muggle world from a wizard perspective" said Hermione. Harry sweet-drop at that stupid reason "and I am curious at divination. See the future and stuff"

"Hermione....." Harry started but suddenly, the train stopped, making everyone fall to the floor "what the hell happened?. We can't be there yet"

"You are right" said Susan "what's going on?". The lights suddenly turn off and everything started to get cold

"Don't tell me.." said Harry. Stupid retarded minister!!!!. Is he really that dumb to send this demons to train full of children?. Harry took out his wand and closing his eyes, started to think his most recently happiest memory ever

Flashback starts

June 25th, 1993, last day of school (AN: I honestly have no idea when the last day of school is, some fanfics ended on the last day of June, others on half the month of June, it's confusing, so I will say it's the 25th, tell me in the comments if I am wrong)

Harry was walking towards the common room when someone grabbed him by the arm and drag him to a classroom. And before he could ask what the person wanted, he felt the unknown person kissing him on the lips, making fireworks explode in his mind. When the kiss stop, he saw it was Astoria, also blushing badly. It was a quick innocent kiss

"It's our secret, ok Harry?" She said "that's a thank you for rescuing me". She then quickly left the classroom. Harry knew in that moment, that he had fallen in love with Astoria Greengrass

Flashback ends

The moment he open his eyes, he saw the figure outside opening the door and there it was......the darkest and foulest magical creature in existence : A dementor. A tall, black-cloaked figure with rotten, skeletal hands, with the ability to suck out your soul and all happiness. He point his wand and while thinking of his first kiss, he said the incantation

"Expecto patronum!!!!" Harry screamed and from his wand came a silver eagle, that hit the dementor, making it screeched as it back away "Sirius Black is not here, get out of this train, disgusting creature!!". The dementor screech again as eagle was very strong and it finally  went away. He put his wand back on his holster and then look at the compartment. Everyone was looking at him with their eyes widened and if it possible, their jaws on the floor

"How did you.....Harry, that was the patronus charm!" Said Susan with existment "how did you manage it?"

"It's a NEWTS spell and even adult wizards can't do it!" Daphne said then, also with existment

"I... found out about Sirius Black and I decided to investigate" Harry said then "knowing the idiot of the minister, I have to be prepared in case he put the dementors in the school and I was right". Please believe it, please believe it, Harry prayed. He couldn't tell them that Sirius taught him the spell. He could breath again when he heard the next question

"And what memory did you use?" Ask Tracy "if I remember right what my father said, you need a powerful memory"

"I prefer not to say it" he said blushing. And to activate his Potter bad luck, Astoria started to giggle uncontrollably, as having figured what was the memory he used and to he worst, Neville look at him with wide eyes. What a drag......

"No way!!!" Said Neville then, with his looking between Harry and Astoria "you are the first guy in our dorm to have his first kiss???". Astoria stopped giggling and blushed scarlet, while Tracy burst out laughing alongside Hermione and Ginny, although she look a bit sad and annoyed. Harry swore she mumbled something about she won this round. Daphne was between annoyed and sad but she was laughing the hardest for some unknown reason that send shivers to his spine. Harry has a bad feeling about that

"So what if I kiss him?" Astoria said then, showing why she was a Gryffindor "he befriended me when my sister left me, rescued me from certain dead and he even promise me something I will not reveal yet, so why shouldn't I have done it?". Daphne look at him with eyes that show why she could have been in Gryffindor.

"Hope you survive my father, Harry" said Daphne. Harry, suddenly started to sweat and got into panic mode, making all the girls laughed very hard alongside Neville

"Girls are so troublesome" Harry mumbled

AN: You may ask why I choose an eagle instead of a stag for Harry's patronum. Well, I will let you guess the answer on the comments. Just remember, this Harry is not Dumbledore's pawn

AN2: Please do not criticize me about Astoria kissing Harry. It was an innocent kiss and I read some many fanfictions where the authors make it far far worst, even one where the authors literally make Harry drink firewiskey (wizard alcohol beverage) and things I prefer not to say. Now, as I don't have any idea about Astoria's birthday, I will say it's on July 31th, one year after Harry. I know she is two years younger but this is my fanfic and in fanfiction anything goes, except if you write disgusting things. Hope you enjoy the chapter, the last one I wrote with anticipation, so wait a bit before, next chapter will show Harry planning on how to caught the rat.

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