The Dogfather

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Potter Castle

July 31 st, 1993

Harry POV

Today was Harry's thirteen birthday and he was confused when he received a letter from the ministry, warning him about Sirius Black, who apparently has escaped from Askaban. What's going on?. Who the hell is Sirius Black?. Dumbledork never mentioned him before. What pissed him off was that Dumbledork demanded him not to leave Durskaban. Too bad Harry hasn't live there in years and of course, Dumbledork doesn't know about it. He then thought of something. Maybe his house elves know about this unknown serial killer?. Of course, he knew that by looking at the Daily prophet, who had Black's history

"Tipsy!" Harry said. The elf appeared quickly at his side

"Master Harry called Tipsy?" Tipsy said looking at him with happiness. Harry nodded and patted the elf's head, making her smile

"Do you know a Sirius Black?" Harry ask curious

"Master Siri?" Tipsy ask. Master Siri?. Now Harry was even more curious  "Tipsy know him!"

"Good" said Harry with seriousness "bring him here, please. I have some questions for him". Looking reading once again the Daily Prophet, that describe him as the betrayers of the Potters and right hand of Voldy. Tipsy nodded and disappear and then come back one hour later with a very confused black dog "hello Sirius" said Harry. Harry had investigate more of Sirius Black and why Tipsy knew him. Tobby, one of his other house elves and he gave Harry a journal belonging to his father, so he read it until Tipsy come back "please transform back". Thanks to his father's journal, he found about the marauders and their secrets. The dog transform into a very thin man with long black hair and beard, rotten teeth and prisoners clothing. And Harry almost puke at the smell.

"Harry?" Sirius ask confused "I thought you were with the Dursleys, whoever they are. I was trying to find you and...see if you were safe and been cared for but that house is empty. If the situation wasn't so bad for me, I would think you are pranking the headmaster or something". Harry smiled with those words and to Harry's surprised Sirius burst into laughter, falling holding his stomach "you are, aren't you?"

"Well, not exactly know what, I haven't thought of it as a prank" said Harry "I was just playing politics with the old goat"

"You don't like him, don't you?" Asked Sirius

"Not one bit" said Harry angry "he left me to be abused and starved with those muggles. Not that I hate muggles, they are more advanced than wizards. Well, int truth, I think does how England wizards think and maybe some other Europe wizarding countries. Sirius just nodded at that and then look at him with seriousness

"He left you with Petunia, didn't he?" Sirius ask a bit angry. Harry nodded at that "even when your parents Will said not there?. Now I remember, Petunia married that humanoid walrus". Harry burst out laughing at that "well, let me tell you a bit of what happened, okay?". Harry nodded. And so Harry listen to what happened that Halloween.

"Okay" said Harry a bit angry "now, with how you are acting, I know you didn't betray my parents. Specially with your version of the events and my father's journal". He then look at Sirius with an evil smile. Sirius gulped "Tipsy, master Siri here need a flee bath and give him the special punishment for been a bad boy"

"What do you...?" Sirius started but Tipsy grabbed and disappear. Harry then heard a scream coming from the showers. Nothing more than a cold shower for been a bad doggy. One hour later Sirius come back, with better clothes and looking much better "you are Lily's son alright" Sirius said annoyed "and James son as well"

"Thank you, Dogfather" said Harry "I am a prankster I want"

"Thank you for helping me but....." Sirius started "I need your help. I have found the rat"

"I will guess you escape for that reason?" Harry ask. Sirius nodded and gave him a Daily prophet with the Weasley family on the front page

"See this rat?. This Peter Petergrew, the one that sold you and your parents to Voldemort" Sirius said with anger

"Scabbers!" Harry said the scared. He took the magical phone he invented this summer and call Ginny Weasley immediately. When she pick, she was confused "Ginny, listen to me very carefully". After telling her about the rat, he hung up, not before she squeak in disgust.

"Ok....." Said Sirius confused "what just happened?"

"This is my invention" said Harry showing him the phone. It works like the cellphones the muggles invented recently but it works with magic. You mark the number and Magic finds the other. It's a prototype and I only gave them to three more people apart from Ginny. The Greengrass sisters, Daphne and Astoria and Tracy Davis"

"That's interesting..." Said Sirius "are you a Ravenclaw?". Harry then burst into laughter and explain to him the rest of his plan "so, an eagle with the skin of a lion. What are your electives?"

"Ancient Runes, Arithmancy and Care of Magical Creatures" Harry answered

"Good" said Sirius "now, so what's this about four girlfriends?". Harry blushed a Weasley red and denied everything, while Sirius laugh "that's payback, kiddo" . Harry look at him annoyed and mumbled something "now, knowing the idiot of Fudge, they probably will put dementors at school so, let me teach you the patronus charm". Harry's Ravenclaw side took over and nodded with enthusiasm.

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