The beginning

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September 1st, 1992

Hogwarts express

Harry POV

Harry was walking and looking for a compartment. He make everyone believe he still live with the Dursleys in Durskaban but that's a lie. He was abused in that horrible house for ten years until he meet Hagrid. Of course he had to hide his intelligence and pretend he was a scared little kid. He didn't know about magic but he had his suspicion. Once Harry was in Gringotts, though....he went to a goblin, much to the protests of Hagrid but Harry wanted to know what was the meaning of house Potter. Of course, once Harry got out, he just told Hagrid there was a mistake and nothing more. Once they got out of Gringotts, though, the goblins made Hagrid forgot what was the business with Harry. He just remember they got his money and he grabbed the Nicola's stone. And then he meet Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, his boyfriends, Grabble and Goyle, Neville Longbotton and many more young children. He just pretend he didn't know anything about the magical world. He was playing a dangerous game but once he got the Dursleys arrested, with the help of the goblins, they put a fake blood ward to make Dumbledore think he was still living there. Then his adventures began and the long manipulation that Dumbledork tried with Harry. But Harry was a natural occluamens and he make two mindescapes, one were Dumbledore could enter and see the abuse and the other was his real one, were he live with the Potter house elves at Potter Castle. He also had the displeasure of meeting Severus Snape, a childish teacher with a hate for James Potter, Harry's father. He just behave like a idiot but he wasn't letting anyone manipulate him. That's why he ignore every single clue of the stupid stone. Except, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were too curious for their own good, much to the chargian of Harry, so he had to help them prevent the stone from been stolen. Harry regretted not listening to the hat and be on Ravenclaw. His options were Ravenclaw or Slytherin. He told the hat he didn't want Slytherin because the future Death Eater jrs could murder him in his sleep and so it was out. Ravenclaw was the best but he didn't want Dumbledork to suspect something and the hat warn him that Dumbledork wanted Harry in Gryffindor, so he told the hat he will be a Eagle with the skin of a lion. The hat chuckled and he agreed. His first year was great, if you count that he became the youngest seeker in century thanks to the ferret, winning his first game by almost swallow the snitch, before that Harry almost got killed by been thrown from his broom, then help Hagrid get a dragon to safety, which cost him one hundred and fifty points and the anger of the Gryffindors, almost getting killed by the Voldemort or whatever was left of him and many more things. At the end of the year, he had to fight Quirrelmort and Harry pretend to be weak, as he had the suspicion that the headmaster was watching and waiting with anticipation. After that, the moron told him he had to return to Durskaban for his safety and that meant he didn't know what happened, that was good for Harry. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard crying. He went to see what was happening and found Ginny Weasley (He meet her when he visited the Burrow on the summer) and someone else was with her, a blond girl with blue eyes, that were familiar. Ginny was comforting the other girl

"Hello there" Harry said. Ginny squeak and blushed. Harry just smiled at her, making her blush even more "who is your friend, Ginny?"

"My name is Astoria Greengrass" she said, sniffing "my sister left me alone to find her friends"

"Just like my idiot brothers" Ginny said fuming. Harry smiled at her. That girl had fierce personality and she like it

"Well, let's find a compartment then" said Harry "I won't mind the company of two beautiful girls". Ginny and Astoria blushed scarlet and nodded

"Sure" said Ginny blushing a lot

"No problem" said Astoria. Harry smiled and then help her stand up. They soon found an empty compartment and enter it "my sister loves me but she told me she prefers the company of older students". Astoria puffed her cheeks when she said that

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