Catching a rat

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Secret room in the Gryffindor common room, Hogwarts

September 10th, 1993

Harry POV

Harry was thinking how to get scabbers. Ginny informed him that Ron wouldn't let his father touch Scabbers and his father didn't want to fight with him. Ginny also couldn't exactly explain her reason for it.

"How do you plan on exposing him?" Ginny ask

"I don't know" said Harry "this is going to be difficult, specially with how Ron is behaving with me"

"That's true" said Astoria "we will have to plan it well"

"I have an idea". Said Hermione "if you are interested. I didn't mean to overheard you"

"Well, anything you can help with is good" said Harry

"Why don't ask professor McGonagall?" Hermione said "I mean, just ask her about animagus and how to identify them"

"That's brilliant!" Said Harry "If I didn't have a girlfriend, I would kiss you!". Hermione blushed scarlet, while Ginny and Astoria burst out laughing, until she heard what Harry said and blushed

"When did you ask to be your girlfriend, Potter?" Astoria teased him. Harry smiled mischievously

"Well, I thought you kissing me was your way of asking" Harry said, making Astoria blushed even more and even steam came out of her ears

"Astoria one, Ginny zero!" Said Astoria celebrating

"Harry how many heirships do you have?" Ginny ask curiously, which make Astoria stop celebrating

"Well, there is Black, Gryffindor, Peverell and Ravenclaw, why?" Harry ask and suddenly, Ginny kissed him, making him blushed

"Now we are even, Tori" said Ginny smiling. Harry could only  thoughts were how did he became a chick magnet.

"Wow" said Hermione "how is Tori not cursing Ginny?"

"Well, that's because Harry can marry multiple girls" said Astoria a bit annoyed

"That's just weird" said Hermione "I guess the other girls are Daphne and Tracy?" Harry in the moment blushed even more and passed out. Before everything turn dark, he heard the girls burst out laughing

Transfiguration Classroom, Hogwarts

September 15th, 1993

Harry waited and planned how to exposed the little bastard. Today's class was perfect, as he heard they had to bring their pets. What better way that today?. After class ended, Harry lift his hand

"Yes, mr Potter?" McGonagall ask

"I am curious about animagus" he said "how can you identify them?"

"That's an excellent question mr Potter" said McGonagal "let me show you with mr Weasleys rat". Harry saw the little traitor trying to escape but McGonagall was faster "animagus revelio". A blue light appeared on her wand, her eyes widened as the rat jumped away and try to escape but Harry was ready for it

"Stupify!!" Harry said quickly, as a red spell come out of his wand and hit the traitor, making it fall unconscious

"What the hell Harry!" Said Ron "why did you attack Scabbers!"

"Good work, mr Potter" said McGonagal as she used the spell to force him to transform back and Harry saw her eyes widened with surprise and terror "Peter Petergrew?????". Harry smiled but quicky hide it.

"Who is he professor?" Harry ask

"Someone who is supposed to be dead" she said furious "I will call the aurors and Amelia, probably the minister as well"

"Is that a good idea?" Harry ask "I heard he doesn't like when his job is in danger". Harry wanted to destroy the reputation of that moron, maybe that way he will learn a lesson "after all, look at his wisdom of putting dementors on a school of children, not mention ordering those foul creatures to enter the Hogwarts express". Many of his classmates burst out laughing at what Harry said and agreed with him

"Very true, mr Potter" said McGonagall "I will see what to do". She then call for Dumbledore with a patronus

"That's so cool!" Said Harry "can I do that too with mine?". He had received a hundred points for using the patronus charm on the train when the dementors enter it. He had saved many of the children

"Of course" said McGonagall "if you can cast it, I will show you how". Harry nodded and took out his wand. Remembering the kisses he received from Astoria and Ginny, he point his wand

"Expecto patronum!" Harry said. His eagle patronum come out

"Now speak your message and send it to the person you want to listen to it" McGonagall said. Harry nodded and look at his eagle

"I got the rat, Tori, we celebrate later" Harry said and he send the eagle away

"Good job, mr Potter" said McGonagall "twenty points to Gryffindor". Harry smiled. With this, he was one step closer to make Dumbledore and his pet death Eater think twice in messing with House Potter again. He has not forgotten what he learned from the horocrux of Moldypants before it was taken out from his scar. It was Snape that told the snake bastard that curse prophecy and ruined his childhood. It was Dumbledork that put him with his so "caring" aunt Petunia and didn't even think of check if he was been treated right. He did nothing last year when he was been bullied but House Potter has a long memory and soon Dumbledore will learn to never mess with house Potter ever again!.

AN: Here is another chapter. Next Harry is trying to find the cure for Astoria. And do not tell is not possible, remember this is a fanfiction and I even read one where Daphne transfers the curse to herself and many more crazy ones.

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