A dark discovery

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January 2, 1993

Gryffindor common room, Hogwarts

Harry was doing some research about the diary he found. The diary of Tom M Riddle. Who was this guy?. He found a trophy of him, for especial services. His full name was Tom Marvolo Riddle. What was so special about the guy?. As he wrote the name on a parchment and started to look at the letters, his eyes suddenly widened with horror. As he used the t, o, m, r, v, o, l, d, e leaving a, i, m.

"No fucking way" said Harry as he formed I am lord Voldemort with the letters "it's an anagram!". Was this guy's name seriously a anagram?"

"Something wrong, Harry?" Ask Neville curious as he sit besides him

"Well, I just found out what was You Know Who's true name" Harry answered as he show him his findings. Harry saw Neville's eyes widened

"Riddle?" Said Neville confused then "I never heard that name before nor is familiar. Marvolo sounds like a second name"

"I bet anything it's a muggle name" Harry answered "but don't know from where. Is probably not common and Marvolo, is a name and I read it somewhere. I will look into it"

"Are you telling me you know who is a freaking half-blood????" Neville said suddenly and bursting into laughter "those pure blood bigots are fighting in the name of a half-blood?"

"Apparently" said Harry "just don't tell anyone"

"What he shouldn't tell?" Ask Ginny curious. Harry show her his findings "I was writing on his.....". Ginny shuddered as she remember what she was doing. Harry hug her out of instinct, as she was shaking with fear, until she calm down and stop the hug. Harry notice she wasn't happy with that. He didn't in know if she wasn't happy he hug her or that he stop hugging her

"Trust me, it was lucky I was with you" said Harry as he look at her "I bet you anything that this was going to be use to open that curse chamber"

"But you destroy it" said Ginny "how is that even possible?"

"Maybe there is another of these foul things here" said Harry "whatever it is, it's opening the chamber and whoever is been used, has a strong mind"

"What do you mean?" Neville ask. Ginny and Astoria convince Harry to tell Neville everything (as House Potter and house Longbotton were old allies and good friends) about the diary true nature

"I know what is on that chamber and it's the most letal animal on the magical world. It's a  Basilisk" said Harry, making Ginny and Neville eyes widened with horror "remember my ability. The one that got leak thanks to the ferret and the dungeon bat in the dueling club of disaster ?". They both nodded "well, I been hearing that monster before each attack except on the feast and I think it was because I was not close to the walls or there was too much noise"

"The question is, where is the chamber?" Ask Neville

"That my dear Watson is the mystery" said Harry in joking manner. Neville and Ginny look confused at the unknown name "it's a fictional character of a famous muggle book. It's about mysteries"

"I love Sherlock Holmes!" Said Astoria suddenly as she enter the common room "so, what did I miss?". Ginny went to her and told her his discoveries. Her eyes widened with horror "I think I saw someone acting very strange"

"Who?" Ask Ginny

"Tracy Davis" Astoria answered "my sister's best friend"

"When did you see her acting strange?" Harry ask

"It was after each attack" said Astoria "and she is distancing away from me and Daphne. She also look really pale"

"She is been possessed" said Harry "but we can't just ask her. We have to be careful and not alert the one who make her the object"

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