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In Disney Castle, the heroes are gathered around the Throne Room. They bow to the King and Queen. They look at them with smiles. 

Sora: Good evening, your majesty. And your highness. 

Mickey: Hello, everyone. Thank you all for coming. 

Donald: What is it, your majesty? Chip and Dale said you needed to show us something. 

Mickey: Well, do you remember the time when you all faced Godzilla?

Riku: Yeah. Of course. Why? 

Mickey: (Sighs) I'm sorry for keeping this from you, but it turns out, Godzilla wasn't the only one of his kind.

All: WHAT?!

Mickey gets up, and walks down. He walks to a wall, and opens a secret compartment. He takes something. He shows the heroes what he has. They're shocked to see old paintings. They look at them, and they see paintings of some kind of...monsters. And one of them...almost looks like Godzilla.

Sora walks to the painting, and touches it

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Sora walks to the painting, and touches it. He looks at the creature that looks like Godzilla. He's much bigger than the one they've faced. Much tougher, and stronger. He looks at the three-headed monster on the painting, fighting Godzilla. It has wings to fly. Then, he looks at the next painting, of Godzilla fighting...a giant ape. Sora's eyes widen as he looks at the ape. 

Sora: Guys, look at that ape!

Everyone looks at the ape. Ruby's eyes widen as she looks at it. She's gasping as she touches the painting, remembering what happened to him the last time they saw him.

Ruby: Is that...Kong?

Kairi: Godzilla fighting Kong?

Goofy: (Looks at Mickey) Your majesty, where did you get all this?

Mickey: I found this 15 years ago on a world. A world where...monsters exist. 

Everyone looks at him, and at the paintings. Mickey looks at everyone. Minnie walks down with him, and holds his hand. 

Mickey: I'll tell you what happened.

Everyone looks at him. They follow him to the library. They enter the library, and Mickey sits down his chair. Pluto lays by him. Minnie stands him as everyone gathers around the table. Mickey lays the paintings down on the table. He then begins to tell everyone about what happened 15 years ago. 

Here's the prologue of Kingdom Hearts: Godzilla (2014). Sorry if it's short. But I couldn't figure out much for this prologue. And since it's the day that the movie came out. I've decided to do the prologue. I hope you'll like the prologue. Let me know what you all think of the prologue. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. 

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