Chapter 1: Spores found, nuclear plant collapse, 1999

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The Philippines, 1999

A helicopter flies over the Philippines jungle. It's a sunny day in the jungle. Inside the helicopter, are four people. Two of them are scientists. A female scientist from England, and a male scientist from Japan. And with them, are King Mickey and Queen Minnie. They're riding with them. They know these people. Their names are Dr. Ishiro Serizawa, and Dr. Vivienne Graham. Mickey sees Serizawa holding an old pocket watch. He looks at it, and Minnie holds his hand. Mickey holds it back. They both look outside with Dr. Graham, and men shouting indistinctly as they stand and climb down on ladders on ledges. The helicopter flies down on a mining area. The helicopter then lands on the ground, where a man in a suit is waiting for them. They all get out, and walk to him. 

Man: Dr. Serizawa? Mr. Mouse? (Shakes their hands) Jerry Boyd. I'm warning you, it's a mess. It's just a total mess. Monarch sent me in this morning. Took a look around, but I told them we needed you. 

He leads them to where the mine is at. The helicopter flies over. 

Mickey: So tell us. What happened?

Jerry: They picked up a radiation pocket out here last month. They got excited, thinking they had a uranium deposit. They started stacking up the heavy machinery and then... Well, the valley floor...collpased into a cavern below. Just dropped away. Just gone. 

He shows them. A couple of crane machines are knocked aside as a huge hole is in the middle of it. The crane machines are broken due of being knocked aside. 

Minnie: Oh, my...

Mickey: Were there any men still in the middle of it when it collapsed?

Jerry: Best guess right now is about 40 miners went down with it. 

They all just stare at the hole. Later, they're down there, in the cavern. They have flashlights, and are wearing protective suits and masks. They shine their lights everywhere as they walk. They look around, and see nothing but rocks and cavern walls so far. 

Jerry: This way. When they first discovered this pocket, the radiation levels were only half as strong. It's almost as if contact with the outside air...started catalyzing something. 

As they walk, they notice that they're walking around and on bones. They shine their lights on them as someone takes a picture. 

Jerry: Some kind of fossils, right? I've digging holes for 30 years, I've never seen anything like it. 

They all look around some more as men hook up some lights in the cavern, and to their shock, the lights show that they're on a giant skeleton. 

Graham: Oh, my gosh

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Graham: Oh, my gosh. Is it possible? Is it him? 

Serizawa: No. This is much older. 

Mickey: Yeah. This one looks like it's been for thousands of years. 

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