Chapter 6: We call him...Gojira. I believe he is that power.

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The next day, rescue personnel has arrived at the scene, trying to tend to the injured while bagging up the dead. The heroes look around as they see the damage. A lot of people got hurt or died from this. Luckily, Dr. Serizawa, Dr. Graham, King Mickey, and Queen Minnie were left unharmed. A military helicopter comes flying in, and landing. 

Man over PA: This area is now under Naval military jurisdiction. All personnel must report to the duty officer for debriefing. 

Some officers get out of the chopper, and approach them. Dr. Graham leads them.

Graham: Dr. Serizawa! Dr. Serizawa! (Pats his arm) Dr. Serizawa. 

He turns his head, and a Navy Captain officer comes up to him along with a Navy Commander officer. 

Captain: Captain Russell Hampton. This is Commander Ron Parker. Glad to find you. We've been briefed on your work with Operation Monarch. Now, I'm told your organization has situational awareness of our unidentified creature? Is that right?

Serizawa and Mickey look at each other, and at him. He nods. 

Hampton: I'm here to inform you that we are now taking over operational authority from Monarch. So I'm gonna need you all to come with us. Is there any other personnel you need?

Serizawa looks around. Many of his personnel were killed when the cranes collapsed. He looks, and sees Sarah and Ford tending their dad, who is still hurt, and is being loaded in an ambulance. 

Ford: They'll take care of you. We'll be right next to you.

Joe: (Weakly) Ok...

Sarah: Shh. (Holds his hand) Hang in there, daddy. You're gonna be okay. 

Serizawa: (Points at them) Them.

Later, they're loaded in a chopper. They fly over the abandoned city, and head to the ocean. In the chopper, medics are tending to Joe. Everyone watches. 

Medic: Let's get his vitals. Radial pulse is weak. I'm counting 125. 

Ford: Dad. Dad. It's ok. You were right. I'm sorry.

Sarah: I'm sorry too, daddy. We're so sorry we didn't believe you. We love you so much.

Joe: (Looks at them) Go home to your family. You keep them safe. Ok?

Ford: Ok. 

Joe: Whatever it takes. Sarah, go live your life. Make me more proud than ever... More proud than ev--

Joe starts to lose consciousness as the last thing he sees before blacking out is his kids' concerned and worried faces.

Ford: Hey, stay with me. Dad? Dad?

Sarah: Daddy? Daddy?! Daddy, stay with us, please! Daddy! 

Medic: Radial pulse is weaker. Barely feel it. We're losing him. Joe, can you hear me?

Medic 2: He's going into A-fib. Give me another epi, one milligram, and 40 units of vasopressin. 

Sarah: Please, freaking do something! Save him! (Sobs)

Medic 2: We're going to, ma'am. Stay with us. Come on, Joe. Hang in there, buddy. 

The heroes and doctors look at each other with concerned looks. They pray and hope for their father to pull through. The chopper arrives on a Navy carrier called the USS Saratoga. It lands on it. Inside, the heroes, Hampton, Parker, and Serizawa stand on the bridge, along with a Navy Admiral. His name is William Stenz. He shows them the monitors of the situation, and the creature. They're making everyone believe what happened in Japan was an earthquake.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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