Chapter 2: Pyrrha says goodbye, Maleficent's own hands

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Mickey finishes the story about what happened that time. Everyone looks at each other. 

Sora: So, you've found something? 

Mickey: Yes. We couldn't tell what it was, but we knew it was dangerous. Since then, it's been living in the ruins of Janjira, and the power plant. It caused the collapse, killing dozens of people in there. But it has been in a cocoon, feeding off the radiation. And Dr. Serizawa and Dr. Graham are there, watching it. Studying it, trying to figure out what to do with it. 

Jeremy: It's been like that for 15 years? 

Minnie: Yes. And the fossils we've found in that cavern, they matched the size of Godzilla, only bigger. Like the one in the painting. It was killed a long time ago by those creatures that's in those spores. We don't know what's going to happen, but we will find out.

Mickey: We'll all go down to that world, and check out what's going on down there in the plant. 

Just then, Chip and Dale come running in. 

Chip: Your majesty! 

Dale: There's an intruder! She's coming up to the throne room!

Everyone looks at the door, and it opens. To everyone's surprise, it's Pyrrha. She walks in as she looks at everyone. Jaune smiles.

Jaune: Pyrrha.

She smiles back, and hugs him tight. He hugs her back. 

Jaune: I knew you'd come back.

Pyrrha: (Smile fades, looks at him with a sad look) I'm not here to stay. I just came to see you all, and to say goodbye. 

Jaune: Goodbye? But why? Pyrrha, you now know who you really are, there's a place for you right here at the Disney Castle. 

Pyrrha: But that's just it. I don't know who I am anymore. I mean, I remember everything we've been through together. For the past few years, my mind's been poisoned with hate, darkness and fear. 

Ren: Pyrrha, that was forced unto you. You never wanted that. 

Pyrrha: I know, but...(Looks at them) I don't know if there's any good left in me. 

Ruby: But there is, Pyrrha! You are still good! You saved Jaune's life, remember? And Sora's! If you were truly evil, you wouldn't have done that! But you did! 

Nora: See? That shows you're still good, and the Pyrrha we remember! 

Pyrrha: Guys, that was just one time. And I can never forgive myself for almost destroying you. And I'm scared that I might do it again. I need to go away for a while. I have to find out who I am. 

She looks at Jaune, with tears coming out of her eyes. She leans in, and kisses him on the lips. He's shocked, but then kisses her back. He has been dreaming of this for a long time. They end the kiss. 

Pyrrha: I've waited so long to do that, Jaune. And...I love you.

Jaune: (Starts crying) you too, Pyrrha. 

She hugs him tightly, wanting to keep this moment forever. Mickey looks at this with a sorrow look. He then pauses, and walks to the throne. He picks up something. A card container. It doesn't show what's in it, but it has a card in it. He walks to them.

Mickey: Pyrrha! 

She looks at him as she ends the hug with Jaune. He walks up to her. 

Mickey: You may not know who you are, but trust me, I do. You're not evil. Somewhere inside you, there's a-- A light of goodness. The day that you realize that you are truly good, I want you to open this. And to help think, why don't you go down to the world, and think? 

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