Chapter 3: 15 years later, Sarah and Ford Brody

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15 years later, San Francisco, California

15 years have passed, and a military plane arrive in the airfield, along with others. On one of them is Sarah Brody. She's grown up, and is a military medic. She joined the military after college, and is serving. Her rank is Corporal. The ramp opens up. She has grown into a pretty girl. 

Officer: On your feet!

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Officer: On your feet!

All the soldiers stand up, including her. They get their gear. She's checking to see if everything is still there. The officer looks at her.

Officer: You got family waiting for you?

Sarah: I sure hope so. 

Officer: How long have you been away from them?

Sarah: 15 months. 

Officer: Well, take it slow. It's the one thing they don't train you for. (To all troops) Alright! Let's go! 

They all walk out of the plane. Later that night, Sarah is in her apartment, sitting down on the couch, face timing her brother and his family. Ford has gotten married six years ago. His wife's name is Elle. And their first born son is Sam. Ford introduced her to Sarah back then when they first become a couple, and her and Sarah got along well, like sisters. And she's happy to be an aunt. Sam really loves his aunt too. Sarah had a boyfriend back then, but when she got back home, she found him cheating on her. This made her very upset, and had to keep Ford from killing him. Luckily, her brother and sister-in law were there to help her. 

Sarah: Hi, guys. 

Ford: Hey, sis. Looks like we're both home now, huh?

Sarah: Yeah. So, how did you like Elle and Sam's cake surprise? 

Ford: It was good. Wish you were here to eat with us. 

Sarah: (Chuckles) I know. I'll come see you all tomorrow. I just want to relax in my home. 

Elle: (Giggles) Of course you do. Sam's really looking forward to see you. 

Sarah: I'm sure he is. Elle, when I come, do you want to go shopping with me?

Elle: Sure. We can bring Sam with us. 

Sarah: Ford, what will you do? 

Ford: I'm gonna hang out with some old friends. I'll let you girls have your fun with Sam before me. 

Sarah: (Smiles) I love you, guys.

Ford/Elle: We love you too. 

Sarah: See you all tomorrow. Bye.

Ford/Elle: Bye.

She hangs up, and puts down her phone. She sighs. She then looks at a picture to her right. It's a picture of her, her brother, and parents. She frowns sadly at this. Things have not been the same for Sarah and Ford. After the collapse of the power plant in Janjira, a lot of people died in there. Their father survived, but their mother didn't make it. She died when there was a reactor breach. And after that, Joe has been trying to take care of them, and be a good father. But for the past nine years, he has been trying to get into Janjira, since it's been closed off. He believes that something has caused the collapse, not an earthquake, and someone is trying to cover it up. Since then, it has been hard for the siblings, for he has been trying to find out the truth for years, missing a lot of great things his kids have been doing. 

Sarah: Oh, daddy...Why have you been like this? Has mom's death really hurt you so bad, that you never wanted to spend more time with us?

Later that night, Sarah is now laying down on her bed, sleeping. But as she does, her cell phone starts ringing. She groans, and rubs her eyes. She sits up, and answers it.

Sarah: Hello?

Ford on phone: Sarah, it's me.

Sarah: Ford, what is it?

Ford on phone: Dad's been arrested in Japan. He was caught trespassing in the quarantine zone.

Sarah: (Sighs) Oh, my gosh. You're going to go get him?

Ford on phone: Yeah. I'm letting you know this, just in case if you want to go with me.

Sarah: Alright. I'll fly to Japan tomorrow. I'll meet you both when I get there. 

Ford on phone: Alright. See you then. Bye. I love you.

Sarah: I love you too. Bye.

She hangs up, and goes back to sleep. Her thoughts are now on her dad. He has done it again. Has went back into the quarantine zone. This is crazy for her, and her family. But little do they know, this event is gonna be the start of something horrible.

Here's the third chapter of Kingdom Hearts: Godzilla (2014). Sorry for the short chapter. I needed to get it done, since it's only gonna be about Sarah, my oc. She'll be going to Japan with her brother to see her father. Quick question. Should Joe survive, or not? Let me know. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.     

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