Chapter 5: Birth of a new monster

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The guard leads Mickey, Serizawa, Sora, Ruby, Yang, Kairi, Kai, and Momo to where they're keeping Joe. They're holding him in a room, to where men are talking to him. Dr. Graham and Minnie are watching him as they look through his bag.

Joe: You're not fooling anybody...when you say that what happened 15 years ago...was a natural disaster. 

Graham: (Sees them, hands Serizawa a disk) Found these disks in his bag. Not sure what to do make of them. 

He looks at them as they listen to Joe talking in there.

Joe: It was not an earthquake, it wasn't a typhoon. Ok? So stop-- Look, I'm tired of talking to you about this. I want my son and daughter. I wanna see my son and daughter. I wanna know that they're all right. (Points at second man) This guy, this guy knows. He knows where they are. (Speaks in Japanese) (To first man) I want my son and daughter. And I want my bag and disks. (Stands up) And I wanna talk to somebody in charge, not you. (Stops him from talking) No, not you. I'm done talking to you. (Looks at the glass) Alright? You're looking at me right now, like I'm in a fish tank, right? That's fine. Because I know what happened here.

Everyone looks at him as they listen. Mickey frowns as he crosses his arms.

Joe: And you keep telling everybody that this a death zone, but it's not. You're lying. Because what's really that you're hiding something out there. I'm right, aren't I? (Pauses, shouts) My wife died here! Something killed my wife. And I have...a right to know! I deserve answers!

He looks away as he covers his face. The heroes feel his pain. He lost everything, including the love of his life, along with any other survivors. Serizawa sighs, and continues looking at the stuff. 

Graham: All these items...they were found on him. And the fate. Look, 15 years ago.

Serizawa: I thought all of the data...from that day was lost. 

Graham: I guess not.

Sora: He must have come here for this. (Looks at some paper) Wait. Look at this.

He shows them the papers. They all look at it, and they see it's the same pulse pattern. Just then, the lights start flickering. Everyone looks around.

Joe: You see? You see? There it is again. That is not a transformer malfunction. That is an electromagnetic pulse. It affects everything electrical for miles and miles...and it is happening again. This is what caused everything in the first place. Don't you see that? And it is gonna send us back to the stone age. You have no idea what's coming. 

They all look at him, seeing that he's telling the truth. He knows what's happening, and what is about to happen. The lights flicker again, and rumbling is heard. Back in the control room, the rest of the heroes see the monitors, and see that the pulses are getting stronger, as the cocoon outside is pulsing. 

Weiss: What's happening?

Scientist: Pulses are seconds apart. 

Man: They're getting stronger. It's affecting the power grid. 

Man: Any radiation leakage? 

Scientist 2: Gamma levels are still zero. It sucked all three reactors dry. 

Serizawa, Graham, Mickey, Minnie, and the others arrive back. They see the cocoon pulsating energy. As it does, parts of it breaks off. Everyone watches. 

Ruby: What's happening? 

Serizawa: It's done feeding. (Hands the papers to his friend, Whelan)

Whelan: (Takes them) What's this? (Looks at them) Jeez, it's the same pattern. 

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