Chapter 4: Quarantine zone

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The next day, Sarah is packing up small stuff to head to Japan to meet up with her father and brother. He's already gone ahead, so she'll meet them soon. She sighs as she finishes packing up her stuff. 

Sarah: This is stupid. Dad and his crackpot cuckoo theories. The lone crusader for the truth. Daddy...I know you're hurt, and you lost everything, so did me and Ford, but we got over it. And every time we let you in close, you keep trying to drag us back in. We can't keep doing this, dad. Our lives will be ruined. 

She doesn't know what to think anymore. Her father is too crazy about this. She loves him still, but he's too much. She sighs again, and picks up her bag. She now heads for the airport to go to Japan.  


After traveling on the airline for ten hours straight, she made it. Her plane lands in Tokyo. After getting off, she texts her brother, to let him know that she's here. She sits down on a chair, and waits for him. She looks outside, and sees it's morning time in Japan. She sighs at this, and closes her eyes to rest them until her brother gets here. As she does, she sees flashes of her family together, laughing and smiling. She smiles sadly at this. She wishes things could have gone different for all of them. After an hour, she hears her phone buzzing. She takes out her phone, and looks. It's from Ford. He says to meet them at the pier. She frowns, and sighs in dispair. She knows what this means. Their father is taking them back. She picks up her bag, and heads over there. She takes a cab, and it takes her to the pier. After that, she sees her father and brother. They see her. 

Sarah: Ford. Daddy...

Joe: Sarah. (Smiles softly at her)

She makes a little smile. She walks to them. 

Sarah: Daddy, please... Don't do this again, please...

Joe: Sweetie, I'm this close. I have to, and I need your help, along with your brother. Please.

Sarah looks at him, and at Ford. He shakes his head, and she sighs. She nods, and walks with them. They get on the boat, wearing raincoats, and masks to protect themselves from the radiation in the area. They ride on the boat, heading to the abandoned city of Janjira, their old home. They ride through the flooded areas of the city. After that, they leave the boat, and head into downtown. As they walk, a few dogs come running at them. They move aside, and they run past them. They watch as they disappear around the corner. 

Ford: What spooked them? Dad, come on. Let's go. It's only another two blocks. 

Sarah looks at her father, who takes out a radiation tracker. He turns it on, and she looks at it. To her surprise, it She frowns at this. She looks at her father, who looks at her. Ford looks back at them as he watches them. 

Ford: Are we going home, or what? 

Joe looks at him, and then, he takes off his mask.

Sarah: Dad, no! Wait!

Ford: Whoa! Hey, what are you doing? Dad?

Joe: (Breathes in) It's clean. I knew it. The radiation in this place should be lethal, but there's nothing. 

Sarah slowly takes off her mask, and breathes in too. She looks around.

Sarah: Oh, my gosh. Ford...he's right. It's all clean. There's no radiation here at all. 

Ford takes off his mask too. He sees that they're right. Later, they make it to their old house, which has rotten with leaves and rain water. Sarah walks around, and she finds her old room. She looks around. Everything is covered in dust, leaves, and bugs. Sarah finds something that makes her cry a little. It's a toy butterfly.

She brushes it off, and holds it

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She brushes it off, and holds it. It's a gift from her mother. She walks out of her room, and finds her dad in his old office. She sees him looking at a picture of their family, and he sees the birthday banner that Ford and her made for him. He starts feeling emotional. She walks to him, and hugs him. He's startled, but hugs her back.

Sarah: I love you, daddy. We both do...

Joe: I love you too, sweetie. 

Just then, they hear something. They see leaves being blown by something. Then, they hear a helicopter. They rush out, and see it. They follow it carefully. They watch it as it flies over them, and then, they see it flying to where the plant was. They see spotlights, and power on over there. And more helicopters are flying over it.

Sarah: Is that where the plant used to be?

Ford: Are they rebuilding the plant?

Joe: I don't know. I haven't seen--

As he turns around to face them, he sees something, and sighs. They both hear a vehicle approaching. They both sigh too, knowing that they've been caught. They turn around, and see a bunch of men with guns, speaking Japanese to them. They surrendered to them, and they're arrested. They're put into cuffs, and into the back of the truck. The men then take them to where the plant is. It starts getting dark now. They arrive at the plant, and they're being taken in. Sarah can hear people outside. As the truck turns to the right, her and her dad look out from the back, and they see something shocking. There's something big. It's all black, and glowing orange. 

Underneath it is old nuclear reactors, back in the day

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Underneath it is old nuclear reactors, back in the day. And each time, it starts pulsing for some reason. In a control room, people are watching it. They're also watching the exact time of its pulsing. 

Scientist: Seven-point-two seconds and getting stronger. We're tending exponentially. (Points at monitor) That's our new curve. 

Man: Jeez, it's worse than we thought. 

A familiar man is watching this. It's Dr. Serizawa. And with him are the heroes. They're looking at the thing outside. They all look at each other, and thought. What could be inside that thing? Mickey stands by his old friend, and looks at it. A guard comes up to them.

Guard: Excuse me, Dr. Serizawa? Tow men and a woman were just arrested in the Q-zone. 

Man: We've got bigger problems here. Have Dr. Graham take a look. 

Guard: She did, sir. She sent me. One of them says he used to work here, doctor.

Both Serizawa and Mickey look at him, and at each other. A survivor from the plant collapse, or someone that quit here? 

Here's the fourth chapter of Kingdom Hearts: Godzilla (2014). Looks like the Brodys are back together, and they went into the Q-zone, and discovered that there is no radiation, and there's something going on at the plant. And now the heroes are there, and they see what is going on. What will happen next? Find out on the next chapter. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. 

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