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Maddy's Pov

I awoke in a cage surrounded by fire scaring the life out of me, then a man came down "good your awake" he said opening the cage door "where am I, who are you" I asked my voice was shaking "Alex Kincaid, I'm here to help you" he said "help me, where are my parents" I asked "half way across the Atlantic Ocean by now "don't worry I don't want to hurt you" he said "then why am I here" I backed up as he came closer "I cured you" he said calmly "of what" he stepped closer "your wolf". He pulled me off the ground "no more pain, fear of fire, the ability to transform when angered or threatened, but it will only talk action on the full moon which is tonight" he guided me down a hallway, "this is your new room, I laid some clothes out, why don't you go get washed up" I followed his directions and went to take a shower. The water was warm it's been so long since I've felt civilized, my hair was wavy and longer, down to my waist I've never grown out my hair, but I liked it. Looks like this was my life, I was taken away from my parents, my best friends, my boyfriend, my whole life had been taken away from me. I'm not even a Wolfblood anymore, I'm not Maddy Smith anymore, I don't know who I am. I put on the dress he laid out for me as much as I hated wearing dresses this one was really pretty, then the sweater and flats. I went downstairs and heard him talking on the phone. "Yes the red serum gives humans Wolfblood abilities and the green serum turns Wolfbloods human. "Ahem" I said stepping into the room "ah well dinner is on the table, and tomorrow you'll start being home schooled" as much as Alex seemed scary and hated Wolfbloods he seemed to give me the best care. I ate dinner then went upstairs knowing there was no point to wait for the wolf in me to come out and take charge. Later that night as the moon rose he came in to say goodnight with a smile on his face, thinking that one threat had been distinguished. Once I knew he was asleep I quickly yet quietly sneaked downstairs and found the red serum. I looked back to see if he woke up and followed me, but the coast was clear, I grabbed the red serum and shot myself with it hoping to be partly Wolfblood again, and thinking that I was only going to have my senses and speed but the greatest thing happened. I began to take wolf form so I ran into the cage he had me in, and stayed there for the night. When I woke up next morning I could feel the dirt beneath me, I got up and went to go see if Alex was awake, I found him sitting in the living room "where have you been" he asked "I um slept in the cage only felt right on a full moon, only way to keep me connected to my family" he nodded then looked at his watch. "Well I best be off, your tutor should be here in an hour, so get dressed" all I could do was follow his orders as he walked out the door. I went upstairs and changed into a high waisted skirt, short sleeve shirt and some vans, I couldn't leave because then my only option would be my pack, the advantage to that was my besties and Rhydian, but the disadvantage is that I'll be putting them all in danger. The day passed same as yesterday completely awkward, I was scared that I'll be here for the rest of my life, never being able to see Rhydian again.

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