The Plan

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Maddy's Pov

I was in my room when I heard a door slam, that's when I came into the hall and saw Cadwr and Gwyn staring out the window. "What's going on" I asked walking over to them, out the window I could see Kincaid with Meiner and Ben behind them ( Ben is someone who he gave the red serum to and now he has Wolfblood abilities ) they opened the van. There I saw Jana, Ceri, Alric, Aaron, and Rhydian, the Cubs looked at me, but I just kept staring at Rhydian knowing that Alex had gone to far. He sent Ben and Meiner to put them in the cage I first woke up in, meaning that I'll get my chance to talk to him. "Please don't do this" I begged "why shouldn't I"

"I know those people"

"They're Wolfbloods, I don't care if you know them or not"

"Please don't do this"

"Sorry Maddy, but I have too"

"No you don't, they won't cause any harm I can promise you that, they're loyal and kind"

"They're monsters and I'm curing them"

Nothing I said would change his mind, "before you do and before they wake up can I just do something"

"Make it quick thy won't be out for long"

I ran towards the room and walked down the short hallway that led to the cage. I saw Meiner carrying Rhydian she was about to put him in "wait" I asked, ah stopped. I went over to them and looked at Rhydian, I kissed his cheek then ran to my room. That's when I got a call from Shannon...

Shannon's Pov

We were all trying to figure out how to find Alex, "wait I think I have an idea" I said pulling out my phone "who are you calling" asked Tom, I put my finger to my mouth as to tell him to be quiet.

"Hey, Alex, worthm"

"Exactly he has them locked in a cage there should be a secret entrance around the back sneak in and get them out, the red serum, get it and use it"

"Thanks, see you there"

I hung up the phone "there's an entrance around the back, it should lead you to them and you should be able to get them out before moonrise" I said "how do you know" asked Victoria "let's say I have a spy on the inside" we all rushed over to car, and headed on our way.

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