Wild Pack

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It's been a week since Kincaid captured Maddy and to her it was a nightmare, not thinking that it could get any worse than it already was, but she was wrong...

Maddy's Pov

I was finishing my homework when I heard Alex talking to someone, so I went downstairs to see what was going on. I saw Alex with a girl and two kids, but once they turned around I recognize, one of them it was Meiner. "Ah Maddy come and meet our new guests" I came further down the stairs, but not all the way, "Meiner, Cadwr and Gwyn meet Maddy" the Cubs smiled at me, but Menir just stood there. Days pasted and I really seemed to get along with the Cubs, but Meiner was a work in progress, she took time but she finally gave in, I gave them the red serum because they deserved it. They became the only family I have.

Coming HomeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora