I'm Home

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During the night when people fell asleep I walked away, not wanting to be there when they woke. In the morning when I transformed back I slid my back against a tree and put in my earphones. I played the song

Wish You Were Here by Avril Lavigne.

A tear slipped down my cheek, but I wiped it away. Thinking about Rhydian, Tom, Shan and Jana, my parents everyone really. This whole time I feel like my life has turned upside down and all started the day I left. Back to beginning, first kiss, first boyfriend, second goodbye. I didn't want to have to say goodbye again, I didn't want to make everything worse than I felt it was. Things weren't the same, but I wanted them to go back to how its was, I thought of last night and started bursting into tears.

Rhydian's Pov

When I woke up in the morning Maddy was gone, so I thought it was just a dream. When Shannon and Tom came over to me the asked where she is I just shrugged "I'll find her" I said walking away. My hands were in my pockets as I sniffed out Maddy, I followed her sent to were I heard crying. So I went further and found her crying whilst sitting against a tree. I walked over to her and stood there...

Maddy's Pov

I heard leaves crunching, but I didn't care, just sat there and cried into my knees. Then the crunching stopped, out the corner of my eye I saw Rhydian standing there, but I looked away. He didn't leave, I knew that because he sat down next to me, "you okay" he asked, I smiled a little just hearing his voice again, just made my heart jump. I nodded, my hand was over my mouth and hot salty tears came out from my eyes, I was still looking the other way "Maddy" he said. I didn't want to, but I turned around anyway...

Rhydian's Pov

Once she turned around I could see tears running down her cheek which messed up her mascara since black makeup was smeared under eyes. I wiped them away with my thumb then pulled her into a hug. I knew she was shaken up from what happened last night, she kept crying, but I didn't mind I kissed the top of her head and waited till she calmed down.

Maddy's Pov

The tears couldn't stop some of them were happy tears the other were sad, my emotions had been jumbled up not knowing what to feel. After a couple minutes I finally calmed down, so we walked back with his hand around my waist and my head on his shoulder.

Third Person Pov

Instead of walking back to the wild pack they walked back to her house which she hasn't been in for three months. They mostly just talked about what she missed out on and what happened while she was in the wild, it was like the old times laughing talking, which made her feel better. "Why didn't you want me to know you were here" he finally brought up the question, which made her sigh "I didn't want you to know because I knew that you, Tom, Shannon and Jana would've come for me leading you into Kincaid's trap" he nodded to say that he understood "and at Segolia, was that you" he asked "yeah" he smiled "what" she questioned "just that you were here the whole time, and I was thinking I'd never see you again" he said, that made her smile.

"So do you think your gonna go back to school"


"People are gonna ask questions, like Jimi"

"I know, I guess I just have to make something up"

"Alex was getting me home schooled, when I was there"

"For someone who doesn't like Wolfbloods he sure did make an effort"

"I don't know being there wasn't half bad, it had some advantages"

"Like what"

"Well Meiner, Gwyn and Cadwr, we grew close and I still had an education, plus I got to see Shannon"


"Easy, dresses, sweaters, shoes, but I missed you, Jana, and Tom"

He smiled then looked at what she was wearing, just noticing that she had a dress on "it's uncomfortable" she said "it's nice" he said. Once they got to the house she went upstairs and changed, into some jeans a sweatshirt with her last name on the back and her vans. "Let's go" she said "where", she grabbed his hand "I'm hungry".

Maddy's Pov

"Are you sure" he asked me "I'm not going all the way downtown for food when I could get some right here" I said "alright, but we're eating outside". I took a seat outside and waited for him to come back with food, I got a text from Shannon

'Where are you'

'@ the Kafe, why'

'Meet you there'


Rhydian came back "only one" I asked "I'm not hungry" I shrugged my shoulders and started eating. The whole time we kept talking until Shannon and Tom showed up, "were's Jana" asked Rhydian "with her pack, but don't worry she said that she's gonna come back" Tom replied. They took a seat and we all started talking, like the old times before I left, everything fell back into place and I knew, that I was home.

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