The Otherside of Life

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Gwen made her way through the school halls. Everyone there had their gaze at the blonde girl. Gwen tried her best to cover part of her face and soon arrived at her locker.

As she unlocked to her stuff, she looked herself through the tiny mirror on her locker door.

She took a good look on her face and sighed in frustration

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She took a good look on her face and sighed in frustration.

"Hey Gwen." Someone called out to her. She turned her attention towards the source and smiled.

"What happened to your face? You hit a pole or something?" Roux asked, pointed out her bruise just below her left cheek.

"Huh? Uh, yeah. I hit a pole on my way home." She excused. She never liked to lie, especially to her best friend.

Gwen Stacy, also known as Ghost-Spider. No, she did not get hit by a pole. She was busy dealing with the bank robbery that turned to a massive homicide. Luckily, two robbers survived but they were still unconscious. One died from a shot to the head, another one was bled to death and another one had his neck snapped.

The two surviving robbers were held up in the hospital. Still, the culprit was not to be underestimate. Gwen needs to be more careful with him. He was agile and swift.

"How unfortunate for you." Roux started before opening his own locker. Gwen glared at his demeanor tone but her gazed landed on the black bruise he had on the side of his temple.

"What happened to your head?" She pointed out. Roux looked at her confused. Gwen motioned at the side of his head. Roux touched, he felt a bit of pained sting from it.

"Oh, this? I got mugged." He stated, placing his books inside his locker.

Gwen nodded before realising with wide eyes, looking at him. "Wait, you got mugged?!"

"Yeah, I was on my way home after buying groceries and these five dudes came out of nowhere and jumped me. Beat me up and took my groceries. I'm like, 'bruh, I just got rob by homeless people' Cause they looked homeless and shit."

"Still! Are you hurt?" Questioned Gwen with a hint of worries in her voice. The shorter girl by two inches then held his face. She pulled him to her height, eyeing the bruise.

"Ack! What are you doing?" Gwen still held his face, inspecting the injury. Roux's face was starting to turn red. "Uhm, Gwen?"

"Yeah?" She responded still kept her gaze at the bruise. "People are watching." He pointed out.

Roux wasn't lying, people were watching them. Gwen realised this and suddenly let go of him with her face also turning red.

Roux cleared his throat, adjusting his clothing. Adjusting his jacket to a more comfortable position, he eyed his blonde friend.

"Come on, lets go to the lunch hall." He started to make his way to the cafeteria with Gwen tailing behind him.

"So, what do you have after lunch?" She asked, walked shoulder to shoulder with Roux.

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