Chapter 1 - Rumours

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In the Blue lock, it was common knowledge that the Itoshi brothers were at odds with each other and even Isagi who had personally asked Rin about it had refused to believe what Rin had told him was the truth.

Now after the BL 11 vs U20 Japan match it was a fact known to the entire world. There were few who wondered why it was so and the rest just enjoyed the beef between the Itoshi brothers.

Rin's morning yoga routine was completed and he decided to head to the PXG training grounds for his regular practise sessions. Maybe today he should spend a little more time than usual because after this whole NEL thing, the most important tournament - U20 World Cup will be approaching.

As usual he headed towards the training grounds. Just as he was about to enter he heard whispering which he ignored like always but today it looked like it would be difficult for him to do so as there was more talking than usual which irritated him because it would prove to be a hindrance for his practise. Just as he lifted his head to tell them all to shut the fuck up he realised that the more than usual whispering was because of him as the players all looked at him and then whispered amongst themselves.

'Was it pity and arrogance he saw on their faces?'
'Why would they look at me like that?'

If previously Rin's mood was not good now it was fully ruined. This feeling of being watched and talked about is not a good one especially when the attention on him is not positive in any sense. He is not an idiot to believe that here in PXG or even back at og BL someone genuinely liked him. The most he can ever get from these players is respect and admiration for his skills and that's enough for him.

It was 6:00 in the morning so there were not many players.

Rin decided it was enough tolerance on his part for today.

"What are you lukewarm idiots staring at? If you are here then you should start practising instead of staring at me."

Rin was thinking that now he can get a few hours of peace after blurting out the usual insults he throws at everyone to make sure they stay away from him. Oh how mistaken he was. The whispering didn't cease rather it got louder, loud enough for him to clearly hear what they were all talking about.

"Now that we know where he got that nickname for us i feel a bit better."

"Oh i feel a bit bad for him though."

"I think he deserves that for being a pathetic idiot."

"Yeah he deserves that for treating us like shit and talking to us like that"

"Did you see the look on his face it was the best."

"Yeah it was hilarious he looked like he could cry at any moment"

"The great Itoshi Sae's younger brother isn't even all that great."

"Yeah he isn't we were delusional to believe he was."

Now this was extremely confusing to him. Sure he was familiar with being condemned and ignored but this level of insults were a grade higher. Sure there were many people who didn't like him but many still acknowledged his skills on the pitch. So what changed?

He doesn't understand but the one thing he does understand is that he is extremely pissed right now. He looks at them with murder in his eyes and if looks could kill they would all be dead by now. Seeing them look like they would piss their pants at any moment made him feel better.

He decided to finish his practise soon to find out why everyone is suddenly so interested in taking about him.

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