Chapter 4 - Aftermath

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"Whoa! That's wild bro ( ͡❛ ﹏ ͡❛)"

"Sae Itoshi sure is a menace ☠"

"Poor lil bro got those stars in his eyes

"Damn I don't know what to say ^( '-' )^"

"But was he wrong though?

... Read more

Setting his phone down Rin wondered how much free time these people have. One may tell Rin to stop reading these comments but it wasn't that easy. Curiosity got the better of him specially because he hasn't touched his smartphone past that occurence .

It had been weeks since the little incident had happened. Surprisingly, the article disappeared within a few hours it was published. But it was already too late.

Currently, Blue Lock was trending online. It was not a lie to say that most of the world's population has heard about it at least once. And ng11's reputation was also no joke. So even if the article was taken down there were still many screenshots circulating online. On YouTube there were many videos about that article and one of them even had millions of views and thousands of comments. The same could be said for other online platforms too.

Few weeks back he had been in a really bad mood because of the non-stop gossip of the other players. But he learned to control his emotions better instead of lashing out at them. He learned to ignore them (better).

He was already pretty good at doing that but after training his mind for a few days he had gotten even better. He could even successfully ignore that insect for a full day now without snapping. That alone was a great accomplishment for him. Though Shidou seemed very unhappy about it for some reason.

During the bm vs pxg match, that German Prodigy gave him a really hard time with all that annoying yapping. That day he learned that there was someone even more annoying than antenna, someone even more persistent than Isagi. He learned that he could feel hate for someone that was not his brother.

'All in all I should thank Anri-San for all the help.'

It was her who had suggested to him that he should train his emotional state instead of just tirelessly training his body. She had advised him not to do extreme physical training since his body was still in the growth period and the astonishingly high growth rate of his body could not handle being under extreme pressure in addition to the reforming of the muscles that was talking place in his body.

So right now he was going to meet with her in order to express his thanks. Because he was not stingy about thanking someone who had helped him when he really needed it.

These type of people were rare. The ones who are really kind are truly special. Anri-San was kind, at least kinder than that four-eyed jerk.

He was suddenly reminded of that time. He knows that he shouldn't think about that here. It wasn't comforting and it was neither the right time nor the right place. But it seemed like his body and mind had no intention to listen to him.

A shudder ran through his body.

That feeling of being battered vaguely appeared in his brain.

'This isn't good.'

Maybe skipping those t______ sessions because of blue lock was not a good idea.


Hiori Yo was frustrated.

Now that the NEL was over they would soon have two weeks off. They could leave blue lock and rest. In Ego's words spend their time with their precious family members, enjoy family reunions, refresh their minds and give themselves a break to perform at the best level in the U20 WorldCup.

"To hell with family reunions!"

Hiori would rather die than crawl back into that hellhole.

Chigiri said that this blue lock was less like a training facility and more like a prison. But to him this Blue Lock was a place to escape a prison that was his house.

In his entire life he had never felt as free.

Sure he had to do those stupid trainings but it couldn't compare to all that torture he had endured growing up. Atleast here he could freely play his favourite games as long as he completed his daily trainings.

Winter had already found it's way in Japan but he would make sure that it doesn't found it's way in his life.

He would have to talk with Ego-San to let him stay here and persuade his parents into letting him stay here though knowing them Hiori didn't think that it would be a difficult task. They would most likely jump with joy that their son was doing extra training when all the other players were wasting their time.

'Guess I will be alone here for awhile at least my games would keep me company.'

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