Chapter 8 - Sensei

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"Kiyama-Sensei?" Surprise was evident on Rin's face. He didn't expect that he would meet the persistent sensei ever again. He had always made sure to avoid him in any way possible.

'Why is he here?' Rin had such a disgusted expression on his face that looking at it would piss off even the most gentlest person.

'This brat has the nerve to look annoyed.'

Surely he had been lenient with him so far.

"Rin-kun how have you been?"

Kiyama's voice was sweet,dripping with honey. His face was smiling but his eyes were filled with ice.

Rin ignored him and started walking in the opposite direction. He was not in the mood to deal with another headache right now. His teammates were already enough.

"Rin-kun have you damaged your hearing too? Do we need to call an audiologist as well? Looks like a psychiatrist is not enough for you. Poor Ego-san having to deal with a brat as troublesome as you."

Rin's eyebrows twitched after hearing his sarcastic speech.

'This smug bastard really says and does whatever he wants huh? Reminds me of a certain asshole.'

"Whatever. It's none of your business smelly pig."

'Pig he says? pig??
This handsome face looks like a pig's face to him?? Fuckin***'

"Did you go blind too? You're in need of dire treatment my little Rin-kun. Let's bring you to a hospital instead of treating you here."

"Go die. If you want to visit a hospital then go alone. No one wants you here."

Rin was really pissed. Somehow this bastard always managed to piss him off.

'Sometimes I wonder if this pig and that blonde roach are related or something.'

"Now now Rin-kun that's not something you should say to someone a decade older than you."

Rin rolled his eyes in his head. Because doing so in reality will only show how bothered he is because of this pig-sensei.

'What a dramatic bastard. A decade? Bullshit. It's just 5 years.'

"-And it's not like no one wants me here. Ego surely does. I know my sweet little Rin-kun wants me too~~ "

"Blarg. Don't make me vomit."

"Oh are you not going to stay here then? Have you decided to decline Ego-san's offer. If yes, than that's a pity. I came such a long way for you."

"Can you just shut up? Whether I stay here or not is none of your business so just get lost. And stop being so dramatic shithead. Kamakura isn't that far from here."

" Does that mean your coming with me too? Let's go back together then."

"I would rather die than go with you."

'Hah as if this brat could even set a foot in Kamakura. Its frozen all over. Not a single vehicle could be seen on the roads because it snowed so heavily there. Even a small blizzard gets him all trembling forget about a whole storm. This brat is just all talk.'

"The trouble I went through to get here is just unimaginable Rin-kun. You should repay me."

"Did I ask you to come here?"

"But your coach did for your sake."

"Fine. What do you want?"

"Your bed."



"Itoshi-chan there's nothing we can do."

Giraud was once again in trouble. Why you ask? Obviously because of Itoshi Sae. Few days ago Itoshi-chan's parents called him to ask about his well being and also told him to visit them.

'Of course there's nothing wrong with that. But there is everything wrong with the weather.'

'How can you travel when the weather there is so terrible? It's just impossible.'

But the problem is that Itoshi-chan doesn't understand the word impossible.

"Fire that trash assistant if he can't even book a simple flight ticket."

"But Itoshi-Chan the weather in Kamakura is really bad right now. Not a single flight is available."

'Although Itoshi-chan is rude and blunt but he is not unreasonable.'

After hearing the reasons he stopped scolding the assistant.

'But he still looked very irritated. What could be the cause?'

"Itoshi-chan is something bothering you?"

"Hm just a hunch."

"A hunch?"

"I feel like something is going on without my knowledge. And if I don't fix it soon I will regret it my whole life."

Giraud had never seen Itoshi Sae behaving like this. Even in the most difficult matches he had never shown this much anxiety. The one standing in front of him doesn't feel like Itoshi Sae. No he doesn't feel like 'The Japanese Prodigy'.

"Is everything at your home okay Itoshi-chan?"

"There is nothing wrong there."

'Atleast on the surface that is. Mom has always been weird but the way she cut me off at end tells me that something is spiralling out of my control and it's only going to get worse.'

"Then aren't you just overthinking Itoshi-chan? Don't worry as soon as the weather gets better we will book your flight. The weather report says that Kamakura will have an unstable weather. It will get clear soon but it may start snowing again after you reach there."

"That means I might get stuck there if I have bad luck."

Bad luck. Good luck. Popsicles. Summer. Ocean.


"So should we book tickets or-"

"Yes do that. If I get stuck there then handle everything here in my absence."

----More work for Giraud.
Poor Giraud can't take a break even if the whole world goes on a holiday. What a sad life he has. Oh well let's wish him the best of luck.----


Hello my dear readers ^^

I have no excuse. I know I am late again. And just know that this may continue to happen in the future. But please don't stop supporting this series. As long as you guys are here I promise I will be here too (even if late).

And you can ask me anything about the character 'Kiyama Hiroto' in the comments.


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