Chapter 6 - Chance

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Rin was perplexed seeing Kiyama-Sensei sitting in front of him.

When he had returned to the PXG stratum after the meeting with Ego-San and Anri-San, he had been dejected.

Loki had approached him after seeing his terrible complexion.

"You're looking pale. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine"

Loki seemed worried. He told him not to attend today's training session and get some rest. If this was any other day he would have refused but today he conceded. He was drained. He didn't have the energy to even think anymore. Still there was a lone thought running in his mind right now.

'If I can't play proffesional football i have no right to exist anymore.'

Rin had tried his best to answer Ego's every question but he still wasn't able to do so. It's not like Rin didn't want to respond but how could he answer those questions when he himself wasn't sure of the answers.

Or rather,

Rin knew the answers but was afraid to voice them out loud, as if his words would become reality the moment they would be uttered.

Trust Rin when he says he tried his best to say it was all Sae's fault. He wanted to yell, he wanted to scream that it was all Sae's fault. But he couldn't bring himself to do so. Rin was truly a fool. He knew his future depended on this yet he wasn't able to say something in his own favour. Rin blamed it all on the voice in his head which was always wispering degrading words regardless of his rejection.


'Maybe the voice is right. Maybe if i was good enough this wouldn't have happened. I was too weak. If i was strong enough i wouldn't have pa-'

"ALRIGHT! That's enough talk."

Ego's voice brought his thought process to a screeching halt. The negative thoughts stopped. His mind became blank. Staring at Ego's eyes usually creeped him out. Who wouldn't get creeped out by his eyes? But today it brought a calming effect. Rin didn't even knew he was slipping away until Ego raised his voice to bring him back. Rin took deep breaths to calm himself and it seemed to work.

"You can go back to your room Itoshi Rin."

Rin was stunned. He muttered under his breath.


'Go back to my room?'
'Have I lost my chance to clarify things here?'
'Am I loosing the opportunity to play for myself without even getting started?'

Ego looked at the brat in front of him. His complexion didn't look good. He was muttering incoherent words under his breath. He looked like he had lost a war without getting the chance to fight on the battlefield. Ego recognised a genius when he saw one. The one sitting in front of him was a genius far superior than many others not because of the talent gifted at birth but because of the resolve and hard work mixed with the said talent. Tenacity greater than anyone yet breaking down for emotional causes. A contradiction in itself. A walking discrepancy.

Since he wanted a chance to fight, Ego would give him that. Ego didn't mind breaking rules for greater good. Rules are afterall meant to be broken. A never ending chain of broken rules had already started since this incredulous idea - •The Blue Lock• had first formed in his mind. There are more things in this world that nobody knows about than the things that everybody knows about. One more addition to the deep seas of secrets won't harm anyone.

Anri had watched the entire interrogation without interrupting once. She glanced at Ego who seemed to be deep in thought. She didn't know exactly what was going on in his head but she had a hunch. Turning her head, she looked at the boy before her who was taking deep breaths at the moment.

'Recurring mental stress is unhealthy.'

Itoshi Rin's condition would continue to distort till they do something. She knew he could recover if given proper treatment. Why? Because he preserved despite the stress.

'He answered most of the questions truthfully.'

That's really something. Recalling past trauma and still be able to even speak is a great illustration of mental fortitude.

Phobia due to trauma.

She had concluded that based of their conversation. It was not that difficult, if it was genetic he wouldn't be like that. Moreover, in the Itoshi's medical history there had never been such a case.

"Itoshi Rin we will call you tomorrow morning you can leave for today."

Ego's words were reasonable. Yet Rin didn't want to leave.

'Can't be helped. If this whole situation wasn't my fault I would have already punched someone.'

Getting up Rin looked one last time at them with his stoic gaze before walking back to the PXG stratum.


Kiyama Hiroto. A professional psychiatrist. Mainly specialising in certain phobias.

It was a normal day for him. There were not many patients visiting him today. Long term patients were rare for him nowadays. Least to say he was doing fine with his normal life sometimes worrying about a certain brat who disappeared without even receiving proper treatment.

He had agreed to keep Rin-kun's treatment underwarps at his father's request. He could see that Rin-kun's condition was severe plus he was really young for someone experiencing this kind of stuff so he had agreed on the condition that he doesn't skip a single session.

💢But that brat didn't even listen to his one single condition.💢

'Playing at Blue Lock huh?'

Kiyama just hoped that Rin was alright.

'Looks like I will be worrying about him this winter too.'

That's what he had thought.

Imagine his surprise when he got a call from Blue Lock saying they wanted to hire him for a particular player.

Kiyama wondered if that player was the one he was constantly worrying about. Well even if he was not, atleast he would be able to see him again. Maybe even bargain with Ego Jinpanchi to let him treat Rin-kun too.

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