Illusions- Chapter 6-part 2

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Before we start I just wanna give 2 shoutouts. One to @legendsaretold because I'm feeling the love for this book that I've lost a while ago and if I didn't continue like she said I shouldn't, I wouldn't be this happy right now, so I just wanna say thanks so much ❤❤ love you xD.

And one to my amazing friend @mendes_bound because she has these amazing new fanfics up, basically its to anyone who likes\loves the Omaha boys magcon because she just has this wide variety of fanfics oml its amazing. !!⚠!! some of her stories have mature content , so for those of you who are innocent, please read at you're own risk. (Smut) Also she's just an amazing person in general so do the universe a favor and read her stories\ follow her!!
Last time on undetected;

"I thought you said we couldn't do this?" I paused, looking into his big green eyes. "Didn't you say this was illegal? That we couldn't be together?"

" Nikki, I work here! What else am I suppose to do when a patient comes in? Stay around and pick my nose? Of course I could recommend that you see another doctor, but I would need a better excuse than 'I'm attracted to her, and our relationship is illegal, so can someone else please do it?' . Dont you think?" He says, taking in a deep breath. " But I can't stand the fact that you're hurting yourself. I don't want you to die!" He pauses. I look into his eyes, tears are threatening to spill over, signs of sadness and hurt blatantly obviousin his eyes, all caused because of me. " You just make it so damn hard."
He soon after left, because we got in a heated argument. He was going on between how he loved me and wanted to stay with me, but if anyone found out , he could- no, would- be sent to jail.

So I told him to just forget about me and pretend I never existed.

To go live his life, get married, have kids.

He said he wanted to do all of those things with me.

He sad that a 7 year age gap isn't that bad.

He said that as soon as I turn 18 everything would be fine.

That we'd have kids, and we'd get married, we'd be that happy family, we would live life together.

But how are we suppose to be a family if a part of it is in jail?

That's the part that he didn't see, that's the part that I told him about. So he accused me of not wanting to be with him.

That I was with someone else.

That I didn't love him anymore.

So here I am, crying my soul out in a hospital bed,alone, where a relationship that has been my safety net to land on, could possibly be over.

Anyways my parents didn't bother coming , knowing what I was admitted for and that I would be leaving in less than 48 hours. So there's really no bother on stopping the world for me. On the other hand, Miranda came.

She told me this completely exaggerated story about how after I passed out that some hot guy on the varsity team carried me bridal style to the ambulance- but not before he confessed his secret admirance for me, and how he couldn't let me die before he told me the truth. Drama queen.

She also brought the homework assigned from all my classes, and my headphones that I dropped when I fell. She can also be a sweetheart sometimes.

I soon became lonely. The only sounds surrounding me was the sound of heart rate monitors, screaming families, and doctors bragging about complex surgeries they did that no one really cares about.

So I did the only thing I was allowed to do. I listened to music, locking myself in a little world of my own.

Guess its true I'm not good at a one night stand.

But I still need love cause I'm Just a man.

These nights never seem to go to plan.

I don't want you to leave when you hold my hand.

Oh won't you stay with me?

Cause you're all I need

This ain't love it's clear to see,

But darling stay with me.

(A:N Sam smith is the shit and if you think otherwise you and I can't be friends.)*

I was about to hit the chorus when I got a severe migraine. My vision instantly became blurry, my mind scrambled into pieces. Out from all the pain, I could heart my heart rate pattern , racing way too fast.
I remember seeing something like a nurse race in, and lower my bed. I believe I heard different voices.

"She's coding!"

"Tell OR 6 we're coming!"

"Nikki, I'm so sorry, " I look up to see the green eyes that I've learned to love, but hurt me so much only hours ago. "She's Bradycardic! Get the crash cart in here now!"

(A:N Bradycardic: when you're heart is beating too fast.)

"Just stay with me, alright?"

I wanted to use stay with me for just this reason. Lol its short bc while I was writing this I was babysitting a family relatives (he's 3 years old) and he kept on waking up, (probably because of the light coming from my tablet lol) so I couldn't write as much as I wanted to.Anyways I'm in love with this story, but this will still count for the #2nd-day-of-updates.

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