Illusions-chapter 6- part 3

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Ok after this one everything goes back to normal



"Happy birthday mommy!" Kate, my 5 year old daughter screamed, leaving wet kisses all over my cheek.

Today is my big 30th birthday and Jaime, now my husband, insisted on having a giant party. He somehow invited of my co-surgeons from the hospital without my knowledge, along with some family friends and some people I apparently knew. Oh well. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

"Ok let's leave mommy alone so she can get ready, ok sweatheart?" Jaime huffed, his arms wide, ready to pick her up.

"But I want to stay with mommy!" Kate said as she grabbed onto my leg.

"But she has to get ready so she can look pretty tonight!" Jaime explained, continuing his attempt to persuade her.

"But she's always pretty, daddy!" She said with a big smile.

"She got you there, J." I chuckled.

"Fine." He grunted, putting his hands up on defense. "I need to go get everything ready for the guests anyways."

"Daddy's a grumpy pants, isn't he?" I whisper as I pick her up, putting her down on the bed.

"Yeah! He should go take a nap, that always makes me feel better!" She exclaimed as I tried to slip on her favorite pink and white polka dot shirt.

"Kate, honey, please put on your shirt." I said, as yet again, she took off the shirt. "Kate. Put on your shirt."

"I don't want too! I like not having clothes on!" She said as she ran out of the bedroom without a top.

"Kate come back here! You don't want strangers seeing you naked, do you?" I said failing at trying to sound as cheerful as I could, being in my annoyed state of mind.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Jaime said, putting a hand on his hip and a beer in his free hand.

"I don't want to put on clothes daddy!" Kate shouted, stomping her foot on the ground.

"Well if you put on your clothes, I'll give you some ice cream!"

Kate stood there, an arm across her abdomen and her other hand stroking her chin as if she was making a life decision.

(A:n I did this once when I was little lol I hated clothes.)

"Fine..." She started. "As long as its strawberry!"

"Sure thing , babygirl." He said as he took her tiny hand in his and led her to the bedroom.

How the hell did I get so lucky to have a husband like this?
Present day

"We were wrong about her previous diagnosis."

"Alright, so what's wrong with her?" A woman asked.

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