Chapter 4

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Bloody h.ell?

"Jackson?" I nervously ask as I approach the pile of leaves. Just as a head pops out of the leaves, my heart jumps into my throat.
  I'd recognize those brown eyes anywhere.


"I can't believe you jackson!" I screamed as I picked up the front my my Ellie Saab dress, angrily stomping along the sidewalk with my boyfriend, or should I say exboyfriend trailing beside me in his black audi r8.

"Nikki just get in the ca-"

"No!" I cut him off." Do you even understand the extent of the things I've done for you? I covered up the murder that you, YOU committed. I dragged the body out into the wilderness and burnt it myself! I lied to the police for you! I covered your so many times I can't even count anymore! And while I was doing this what were you doing?"

"Nikki keep your voice down!" He hissed as he looked around the empty neighborhood, checking for anyone outside.

" While I was risking my freedom you were sneaking around with other women! Murder is a capital crime, and punishable by death! Right now I want to kick in all your teeth, but why should I improve your looks?  Jackson, I did all this for you, and then you go and cheat on me with the one person you know that hates me with every aching cell in her body. Like really? Are you that emotionless? Because any similarity between you and a human right now is purely coincidental!"

I shouted as he stopped his car and climbed out. I turned to him was he walked towards me.

"Jackson I gave you so many outs, why didn't you take them? Why did you feel the need to hurt me so badly over and over again?" I whimper as he engulfs me in his muscular arms. His cologne slightly soothes me, turning my sobs into whimpers.

"Baby girl, stop..." He says as I try to release myself from his grip.

"Stop what? Stop try to save myself from a lifetime in prison? What we did.. No. What you did was reckless, dangerous and illegal! Jackson! Just let me go. Please!"

"No! You came with me knowing what was going to happen. You made that decision. And how many times to I have to tell you, I was in danger? I had no other choice nikki, it was either I let him kill me and leave you in the middle of no where to fend for yourself, or kill him so that I can live to take care of you!" He says as he jogs to catch up to me. "Where do you expect to go nikki? You're over 2000 kilometers away from home, how are you suppose to get back without me?" He said as he emphasized on his words, making them sound harsh.

"I don't know why I ever put up with you." I said as I continued walking away.

These shoes are so uncomfortable, Jesus.

"Where are you going?" Jackson yells after me.

" To the cops, where I should have gone a long time ago!"

"You don't want to do that."

"Why not?" I said as I continued to storm off.

After a while  hearing just my footsteps, I finally thought that he gave up and left.
How am I suppose to get home?

I turn around to see if jackson is still there, which he's not.
Are the cops really going to believe me? What evidence do I have?

Once I finally make it back to the main road I continue to walk until I see the headlights for a car. I walk into the middle of the street, with my arms up waving desperately for them to notice me. Just when I get my hopes up, I realize that its Jacksons car. He slows down but he's still driving in the middle of the road, perpendicular to me. I thought he was going to slow down to persuade me to get back in the car, which at this point I would have done. But no, what kind of love story would that be?

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