Chapter 5

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"Did you get to go down below the navel?" Audi asked back, Joe laughing lightly.

"Will you go up to my room first?" Joe urged, but Audi shook his head.

"No, I'm going to hurry up and find the Phon. If he doesn't have any business in the evening, I'll take him to see you," Audi said back. Joe nodded.

"Thank you very much, Audi, for taking so much trouble in bringing my bike to me," Joe raised his hand to thank Audi before Audi nodded and got into his car. When Audi left his parking lot, Joe returned to his room again. Graf was still asleep. Joe sat down on the edge of the bed where his lover lay peacefully before using his arms to shake his body lightly.

"Graf... Graf" Joe called his lover, his voice soft and not too loud.

"Ugh," Graf let out a low moan from his throat.

"What do you want to eat, I'll go down and buy it for you?" Joe asked. Graf moved a little.

"Jok and Pathongko too," Graf replied in a sleepy voice. Joe smiled slightly.

//The Pathongko is the Thai version of the Chinese Donut or Youtiao: it is deep fried dough and is normally eaten with coffee or soy milk for breakfast.//

//Jok (pronounced as Joke is congee or rice porridge//

"Well, I'll go buy it for you. You go to sleep," Joe said before leaning down and kissing Graf's cheek lightly.

"Hmmm," Graf replied from his throat. Joe got up and went to pick up his wallet and key card before going down to the area near his condo where they always have something to sell in the morning. Joe went to buy what Graf wanted to eat and bought something else. Joe kept walking until he found Seven. So he stopped by to buy green tea.

"Joe," a voice called out causing Joe to look around before frowning at the sight of one of the staff at Seven smiling at him. He was still confused as to who the person calling him was.

"It's Phra Phai, I am friends with Graf," Phra Phai reminded Joe.

"Ah, I remember. I'm sorry, but what are you doing here?" Joe asked back when he remembered that it was the monk whom he feared Graf would fall for him because the other person resembled Beam a lot.

"I am here to work part-time, what about Joe?" Phra Phai asked back.

"I live in a condo down the street, by the way, why are you here to work?" Joe asked in surprise. As many people think Phra Phai looks very much like a cute innocent but rich lady's son. So much so that he could not think he comes to work part-time like this.

"Well, I earn extra income. Oh, let me go to work first. I'll see you at the university," Phra Phai said lastly before walking into the staff room to check things. Joe scratched his head but went to pick up the items that he needed to counter then went back to the condo. After returning to the room he found that Graph was still lying on the bed. So Joe took the things into the kitchen before walking to wake up Graph.

"Graf, are you going to eat or continue to sleep?" Joe asked, gently shaking his lover's shoulder. Graf opened his eyes a bit.

"What time is it?" Graf asked quietly.

'It's almost 9 o'clock," Joe said back. Graf rubbed his face with his hand before sitting up. Joe laughed as he ran his hand over his lover's hair lightly.

"let's go eat together?" Joe asked again.

"You can eat first," Graf said before moving down from the bed.

"Then go wash your face first. I'll go pour some porridge into a bowl for you," Joe said back, and Graf nodded in agreement before going to the bathroom. Joe walked out to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Graf. After a while, Graf walked out of the bedroom.

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