Pakin & Prapai Ch-8

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"So... I have to resign today?" Phra Phai asked again. Pakin nodded with a calm expression.

"But I think..." Phra Phai wanted to object because he still wanted to tell them about his resignation in advance and help work in the shop for 3-4 days.

"At this time, first-year students have to have a lot of activities. And you are still going to have to take a leave like today," Pakhin said as if he knew what Phra Phai was thinking. The young man sat quietly for a while as he thought about making a decision as it was true as Pakhin said.

"Okay," the monk answered in a low voice.

"Or do you not want to leave your work there?" Pakhin's voice was a little dark causing Phra Phai to look up but he saw that Pakhin had a normal expression.

"No, I'm just afraid that my brothers and sisters would have difficulty managing the work," Phra Phai replied. Pakin didn't say anything more. The two of them sat down to eat until they were full. Phra Phai then volunteered to wash the dishes which Pakhin did not object to before separating into the bedroom. Phra Phai stood and washed the dishes at the sink while thinking about himself as well.

(How did I come to stand here? Even a few days earlier my existence was nowhere to be found in Pakhin's world. We never got close, never talked for a long time like now) Phra Pai felt dizzy thinking about it. It all felt like a dream to him.

//Coming here for studies was the best decision of my life// Phra Phai said to himself, lightly smiling.

"Do you go home on weekends?" A deep voice sounded behind him startling Phra Phai because he was lost in thoughts and didn't pay attention to Pakhin coming and standing behind him.

"I haven't gone yet. Because I worked at the weekend," Phra Phai replied honestly. Phakin stood silent for a moment.

"So this weekend do you want to go home together?" Pakhin asked.

Cleng !!

"Ah... I'm sorry, Phi," Phra Phai was shocked by Pakhin's invitation causing the plate in his hand to slip and drop and hit other plates. But it's good that it didn't break causing Phra Phai to blow air with relief before getting startled again when Pakhin moved to lean against the counter near the sink close to him.

"What is it?" he asked again.

"So don't I have to do housework for you Phi?" Phra Phai asked but did not dare to look at Pakhin, in his eyes.

"I'm going to go home for a bit. We can go back together since coming to school you didn't go back," Pakhin asked and Phra Phai nodded in agreement.

"But I can go back by myself in a bus," Phra Phai said being considerate.

"Disgusted?" Pakhin asked shortly. Phra Phai hurriedly shook his head.

"No, I'm afraid," said Phra Phai promptly, for fear that Pakhin would misunderstand him

"Then let's go back together. So we won't waste money on the bus. Let's agree as I said" After saying that, Pakhin walked out of the kitchen. Phra Phai turned to look at the back of the tall figure while furrowing his eyebrows together.

// I just realized that P' Pakhin is also a dictator// Phra Phai muttered quietly alone. Then turned to wash the dishes. When the dishes were cleaned up, Phra Phai walked out of the kitchen. Pakhin was sitting on the sofa in the middle of the living room reading a book.

"Is it done already?" he asked raising his head to look at him.

"Yes," Phra Phai replied before Pakhin put the book down and stood up.

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