Pakin & Prapai Ch-12

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"Uh... Phi Pakin will buy one box, right?" Phra Phai asked to be sure.

"Um," Pakin answered in his throat. Phra Phai hurriedly packed the box for Pakhin immediately.

"Ah, Mom forgot to bring some vegetables from Aunt Taew's restaurant. Phai can you sell the stuff here first?" Phra Phai's mother turned and said thoughtfully.

"Yes," Phra Phai replied and handed the packaged snacks to Pakin who sent the money to him before placing the bag of sweets on the table behind which was the table of Phra Phai's shop.

"Oh, I want to eat sticky rice with grilled pork at Lung Berm's restaurant. I'll go and buy it first. Do you want to eat too? Pluen will buy it for you," Pluen asked his brother with a slight squint

"No, I better go back and eat mom's cooking. You can have fun but come back soon," Phra Phai said.

//Let P'Pakin help sell stuff P'Phai // Pluen whispers and smiles before immediately walking out of the back of the store. Phra Phai wanted to pinch his sister for coming and teasing him. Phra Phai turned to look at Pakhin and smiled awkwardly.

"Where are you going? Did you buy anything?" Phra Phai asked to find something to talk about. He didn't want to be quiet while Pakhin was nearby.

"No, just came to bring the house helpers to buy food and groceries... Another customer came," Pakin nodded towards the front of the shop when a customer came. Phra Phai immediately turned to look.

"What would you like?" Phra Phai hurriedly asked the customer and scooped desserts as per the customer's demand while another customer was also waiting.

"What would you like?" A deep voice sounded. Immediately, Phra Phai turned to look at the tall figure next to him.

" 2 boxes of sago," the customer replied.

"Phra Phai, how many sago in one box?" Pakin asked the young man.

"10. P' Pakin, I can do it myself," Phra Phai replied. but forbidden the region first

"It's okay, let me help you to finish it soon. Let's not keep the customer waiting," Pakin replied, looking at the new customer causing Phra Phai to turn to answer another customer while periodically turning to look at Pakhin. The tall figure swiftly inserted the sago balls into the box with a stick, two boxes of 10 balls each. Phra Phai looked at him in amusement that Pakhin could do something like this but did not stare at him for a long time as he had to continue to scoop desserts for customers as well. Pakhin stood beside him to help sell when too many customers came at a time. Phra Phai felt that when he had someone to help sell him, more people came to his store than before.

"Aunt-Soi, Aunt-Soi, is P' Pakin flirting with P' Phai? " Pluen asked her aunt while standing at the rice shop near Phra Phai's shop location The two came to stand secretly to watch Phra Phai and Pakhin help each other sell snacks.

"I don't know," Phra Phai's mother replied in a normal tone.

"So, does Aunt Soi like Phi Pakin? Did P'Pakin pass?" Ploen asked again.

"At first I didn't know what kind of person he was because I only listened to what Phra Phai had told me about him and saw some of the times when Phra Phai pointed him out from a distance. But when we met yesterday, he looked like a good person with good behaviour," Soi replied, making Ploen smile broadly.

"That means he passed!," Pluen said jokingly and then turned to look at Phra Phai and Pakhin

"Give me 2 boxes of sago, and 2 bags of bananas in coconut milk," a familiar voice sounded causing Pakin to turn to look

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