Pakin & Prapai Ch-24 🔞

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📞 "No...Phi... Phi Ya didn't do anything," Phra Phai quivered trying to hold back his sobs. Pakhin heard him and immediately became silent for a moment.

📞 ("Let's talk later,") Pakhin said in a calm voice as he could feel that his lover was crying and he didn't want to talk while listening to his lovers's sobs over the phone. Because otherwise, he would not be able to refrain himself from leaving his duty and running back straight to Phra Phai for sure. He still had a few hours left for the main recruitment activities to be completed.

📞 "Phi Kin..." Phra Phai called his lover in a trembling voice fearing that Pakhin would not want to talk to him anymore.

📞 ("Don't cry. You'll have a headache. Let's talk later, okay?" ) Pakin lowered his tone. Even though his heart was burning with jealousy but when he learned that Phra Phai had returned to his room, he calmed down a bit.

📞"Yes," the monk replied.

📞("That's all for now,") Pakin said before cutting the call because he was afraid Phra Phai would make him weak. As soon as Pakin hung up, Phra Phai really cried out while thinking that his lover was definitely angry with him and would come back to talk about breaking up with him. With a fragile mind, Phra Phai thought all over the place. He cried and sobbed until his eyes were swollen red before falling asleep.



"Dammit! Brown, is there anything else I need to do tomorrow?" Pakin asked after stopping Joe and Koh for the second time of the day when the two of them made an appointment to fight after completing the various ceremonies of the night. It was now almost midnight.

"Why?" Brown asked back.

"I'm going back to Bangkok," Pakin said. Brown raised his eyebrows a bit.

"Are you crazy, Pakin? I'm worried Today you took care of the children all day. Now you want to drive back at night. What if you doze up? It's not worth it," Brown warned his friend.

"If I can't take it, I'll just stop and take a break," Pakin confirmed his thought.

"Tomorrow, you don't have to take the kids back to Bangkok. No one ever said anything because we only came to control the second year. Mainly the sophomores have to take care of the first-years," Brown said.

"But about driving back to Bangkok. I'm still worried about you, " he added.

"I'm fine," Pakin said quietly. Brown sighed lightly because he knew that even if he tried to hold back, his friend wouldn't listen. And he thought there must be something really urgent. Otherwise, Pakin wouldn't be in such a hurry to return.

"Okay, if there's anything, just call me. I'm going to go look at those two guys. I hope they're not fighting each other to death in the water," Brown said, for he had ordered Joe and Koh to sit in the sea as a punishment.

"Um, I'll leave it to you then," Pakin said back before going to the house to pack his things and walking straight to his car. He could not wait until morning. His mind drifted to Phra Phai since he hung up the phone late in the evening causing him to be in a bad mood. Pakin drove straight back to Bangkok immediately, only stopping at 7-Eleven for a round of coffee. Pakhin encouraged himself not to fall asleep and drove continuously. He reached Bangkok around 4 a.m. but Pakin did not drive back to his condo. Instead, he drove straight to Phra Phai's dormitory.

📳 Tring... Tring... Tring!!!

The monk's phone rang startling the young man who was sleeping. He slumbered up to pick it up feeling a lot of pain in his eyes due to crying so much. When he saw that it was his lover calling, Phra Phai's eyes almost instantly widened.

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