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Coles pov

It's been a week since Lauren found out the truth due to Maria hearing us and she has managed to stay away from me with the help of kylee and ditching 6th period. Today they have a dance competition and I'll be there one cause I have to for my sister but two I want to be there for Lauren while yes I know she hates me now and I know there will be no point on trying to talk to her I need to be there for support.  Me and my parents were in the front row and when they came out for their performance I could tell Lauren wanted to be mad she wanted to cry even but she had to force a smile still and it hurt me it hurt me to see the hurt in her eyes. This routine this time was contemporary so it was such a slow and beautiful dance which made it ten times harder to watch. They placed first place this time around and when it was over we met up with kylee and she looked pissed to see me all over again.
K- why did you come
C- I always come to your competitions why would today be any different
K- because you need to stay away from anything that involves Lauren
C- I can't
K- she wants nothing to do with you cole get that through your head and leave her alone cause guess what she is already gone cause she didn't want to have to deal with any bullshit you wanna try today
C- I just want to apologize I deserve to do that don't I
K- you really don't want to ask me what I think you deserve
MrsP- kylee that's not right
K- mom dad you don't even know the story as to why they broke up so trust me if you knew you would understand why I said that and why I want to say so much worse to him and why I want to slap him some more
MrP- well that happened
C- please don't
She didn't listen so she filled my parents on what I did and how I'm not the only one who does this and how this wasn't the first time it happened and I've never seen such a strong look of disappointment more then the look I'm getting right now
MrsP- I thought we raised you better than that cole
MrP- she was an incredible girl she didn't deserve that as I'm sure all the other girls didn't deserve it
C- I screwed up ok I'm well aware of it and I'm trying to fix it
K- there's no fixing it cole just accept it
C- no
And with that I walked out and started walking towards gabes house thanking the fact that the competition was at our school this time not in a different city like it was last week. When I got there I saw it was just gabe which made me happy cause I know he will help me without the others piping in. We talked about everything I even cried a bit to him but in the end we came to the conclusion that the only way I'll be able to get an apology to her is by writing a note for will to give to her and even that may not work but it's the best option I have so I'll give it a shot.

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