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The next day I spent it by writing the letter as well as putting together a little scrap book that I put the letter as the cover of. When I got to school I met up with will and the guys.
Dana- what's the book thing
C- my attempt to get Lauren to talk to me
G- I thought we agreed to do a letter
C- I did it's right here but the rest of the book is pictures and more
Dal- and you think that's going to work
C- I don't know but I'm trying anyways
W- how do you even plan to give it to her when she hasn't been anywhere near you
C- yeahhhh about that I was hoping you can give it to her for me
W- cole
C- please dude this is my only shot
Dav- can't you get kylee to give it to her
C- kylee doesn't want to help me at all hell she's slapped me I don't know how many times now and has repeatedly made it known I'm a douche and she hates that she's related to me
Guys- ouch
C- it's ok I get why she's like this cause her and Lauren grew really close really quickly and Lauren's not exactly the first one of her friends we've hurt like this so it's no surprise
Guys- true
W- but I'll give it to her I can't promise you a positive outcome from it but I can do it
C- thank you
I handed her the book just in time for the bell to ring. During 2nd period will told me he gave her the book and she took it but didn't look at it but I guess the fact that she took it was better than nothing. Then at lunch as I was on my way to my table I saw not only was she looking at it so was kylee and a few others and I overheard one of them
Bri- do you believe him
L- I don't know this could be easily be another act
C- it's not an act Lauren I'm pouring my heart out in that note and in the captions on all the pictures how could you not believe that
K- really cole now you gotta eavesdrop
C- I'm sorry about that but
Bri- but nothing leave her alone cause guess what if she wants to talk to you or see you she would do that
K- it's not like she doesn't know where to find you
C- I get that but
L- but nothing you hurt me you seriously hurt me and for what just so you could add another name to your list or to prove your the master of dares as you like to say
C- I know that was bad but you weren't just another name to me you meant more to me than that I knew I made a mistake and felt guilty from the beginning when we went to the raw taping
L- and I'm supposed to believe that
C- yes
L- if you really felt guilty if you really knew you made a mistake that early in why did you continue to go through with it
C- I don't know
L- well maybe when you can answer that I'll hear you out now in the mean time go to hell

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