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If you thought Rafe Cameron was your nightmare, Ward Cameron was your personal hell. Not only were you back in the same room, but your idea of privacy had been thrown out the door completely. There were cameras in your room, save the bathroom where it would get completely unethical, but any hope of a late night sneak out with the new generators and security was beyond possible.

Your dad used to always say it was best to never say you've hit rock bottom because you can always go lower. This moment right here, was your lower. Ward Cameron pulled you into his office next door with no explanation until he smacked a pile of papers in front of you.

"You're testifying against John B, in court, tomorrow."

Laughter followed the statement and you couldn't even stop yourself. It turned hysterical seconds later when you realized he was serious. "You're fucking delusional if you think I'm going to testify under oath against my brother."

Ward's expression turned even colder if possible. "You will. You will because I have insiders who will make sure his life ends if you don't." He slid a newspaper towards you with your brother's face front and center. The headline in big letters read: "INMATE ATTACKED IN CUSTODY". Your stomach sank at the letters before Ward pulled it from your grasp before you could read any further. You were none the wiser to know it was fake, moreso a telling of what would happen in a night, but it did Ward's job of scaring the shit out of you.

"I will make sure your brother does not walk out of that prison alive."

"He's gonna die regardless if I testify, do you realize that?" You stood up with anger, throwing a hand out in frustration. "My brother is facing life in prison because you're a fucking murderer, Ward Cameron, and so is your son!"

Pressure came down heavy on the shoulder you had dislocated in defending John B from Deputy Thomas. In the rush of adrenaline, you hadn't even noticed but Ward found out when you were brought back with an EMT report and a sling around your arm, and clearly, he was using it to your advantage.

"You testify, do you hear me? Or I will make sure it's the last thing you do," He whispered harshly as he pushed his fingers harder into your shoulder.

You gasped in pain, sinking back into the chair below you to remove his hand. You were so sick of crying but it seemed to happen everyday you were here. There was no escape no matter what you did, no peace of mind.

"You're real bold to think I already don't want to die here, with you," You sneered as you glared up at him. You refused to let this man think he had any influence on you after all he's done. "You have taken everything from me. Everything. I don't owe you shit."

Ward shrugged in annoyance. "Maybe so, but I will make sure there is no chance that the Routledge name goes beyond that courtroom tomorrow, and I will make sure your friends regret every second they avenge you. That I promise."

You shook your head softly. No matter what you said, Ward would find one way to make you feel threatened and you knew that, but you also knew he would follow through no matter what. It was a matter of playing your cards correctly and hoping you could pull it off. "Fine. I'll testify, but then they would have to let JJ, Kie, Pope, and Sarah do it too and you have no control over what's said on that stand."

You could tell the frustration in his eyes was about to burst but you didn't care. You wouldn't risk interfering with evidence and lying in court to protect Ward Cameron for shit. He had taken everything from you and your family. You weren't about to help him keep this false empire he claimed to control.

With a snide smirk, you watched as he slammed his desk organizers to the ground in anger. You were right, he knew that, so now what power did he hold? Now what could he do? You had him in the perfect spot and he was a little too far in over his head.

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