in too deep

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JJ's family home broke your heart as you stood in the center of it all. You and all of your friends had been broken and beaten down so many times before. You weren't sure what else to do, how do you dig yourself out of a hole that's sinking as you're trying to climb?

You were scared to go back home, to face John B and his need to go rescue Big John. Maybe this wasn't what you were meant for, to follow your friends and family into danger over treasure. To be a Pogue.

You took one last look around JJ's childhood bedroom before climbing back out the window onto the screened porch. You weren't expecting the boy himself to be standing there, waiting for you with red rimmed eyes and a puffy face.

"Hey," You whispered after you stood up fully. JJ hugged you a split second later, his arms holding you tightly against him. You could feel him shuddering beneath you, tears warm on your cheeks as he cried. "Sorry, I'm sorry. You're okay, I'm right here."

JJ eventually sank on the couch where he'd been sleeping when he wasn't with you. You sat on his lap, tucking his face into the curve of your neck so you could hold him close while your fingers rubbed his back gently.

"Don't ever walk away from me again, not like that."

"I won't, I'm so sorry. Just needed to get away," You whispered before placing a kiss on his head. His hair was unruly but you could still smell remnants of fresh shampoo, likely from last night. "Are you okay?"

JJ pulled back but not far enough that your hands slipped from his frame. "John B got arrested because of Topper."

All you could do was tuck your lips in and nod. You weren't surprised Topper came after him, but it was ironic considering the Kook never had any reprimations for pushing John B off the Hawk's Nest so long ago. You were honestly surprised JJ didn't get involved himself, usually jumping in the second anything happened to the Pogues.

"Jayj, I gotta be honest with you. I don't want to go save my dad."

Your statement sounded really shitty and you hated being this way, but this was JJ, and he knew you better than you knew yourself.

"I know, baby," JJ sighed and squeezed your hips. "We can't let Singh win, though. Even if you don't go for your dad, go for John B. I know he said some shitty stuff last night, okay? Believe me, I know, but we can't give up when we're this close."

"We've said that six other times, JJ," You huffed, "And everytime, we start back over on a different path to the same end result. I can't keep doing it."

He looked up at you with the purest blue in his eyes. His gaze was soft as he regarded you. All of you had been put through hell and back, yet somehow, he seemed so unbroken. Strong as ever. Your rock, always and forever.

"Just one last time, I promise."


JJ managed to convince you to go back to the Chateau with him, informing you of his drug run with your brother, to which you blew up on him about. That's just another threat waiting to bite your group in the ass, especially with the cost of it all.

You were surprised to see Pope, Kie, and Cleo awaiting for the both of you when you got home. Hugs were passed around, brief catching up done as you guys tried to figure out the next steps. You didn't know what to do about John B, or even Sarah. She, no doubt, knew she fucked up, but none of you were perfect by any means.

To your surprise, the blonde girl came walking down the steps of the Chateau not long after. You had no idea she was here, or that she'd even pick you and your friends over Topper. "Hey, thanks for waiting. Look who decided to come home."

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