home sweet home

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It didn't take long for Singh's men to catch onto your location. Your dad was quick to direct you and John B out of the church, the three of you heading towards the marina in hopes that the Pogues would still be there with the boat.

Once your initial run calmed down, John B wanted answers. "Okay, Dad. Start talking. So you've been alive this whole time and didn't think to call?"

"What you think I didn't want to? It killed me. It would've put you two in danger."

You scoffed, arms crossed over your chest as you followed behind the duo. "Yeah, well, we were in danger the entire time you were gone."

Your dad stopped walking and turned to you and your brother. "Alright, look. We're here now, okay? And I'm not going anywhere. I just had to vanish for my safety. And for yours. It wasn't my first choice. You gotta know that. Now, let's go find your friends."

The way your dad aimed his concern more towards John B pulled at your heart. Your whole life, all you wanted was for your dad to pay attention to you, to love you the way he loved your brother. You were stupid to think that would've changed during his disappearance.

John B glanced at you and instantly noticed the expression on your face. You shook your head at him, refusing to get into an argument about this kind of thing right now. Shoes stomping in the grass, you followed silently behind them. Part of you was glad you knew he was alive, but now, you wished you would've stayed with JJ to spare yourself of this feeling.

Eventually, the three of you made it to the marina only to see the Pogues had been chased off by Singh.

"Okay, plan b. We take my boat. It's back at the place. We gotta pick something up there anyway," Your dad said.

"Hang on, I gotta call them," John B clicked around on the phone before putting it to his ear. You took a seat on the ground and placed your head in your hands while your brother told the Pogues to meet him back in Kildare. You wished more than anything that they could've stayed, but you didn't blame them for looking out for their own safety.

"We gotta go."


The walk wasn't horrible for  the three of you to locate where your father had been staying, instantly crowding into the small, run-down house.

"Here it is. The Spider Hole. It ain't much, but it ain't a bad place to lay low."

You watched him run around rapidly, refusing to move in any further. "Spider Hole. Good name."

John B busied himself with investigating the kitchen table and the papers spread across it. "Still hunting, huh, Pop?"

"I'm breathing, I'm hunting, man. What can I say?" Your dad said as he stumbled back into the kitchen area. "This time I'm putting it all together, kids. Getting close, I can feel it. Onto something big."

John B looked over at you for a moment before continuing, "I uh... I heard you died at the Shoals, Dad?"

"Yeah, well. Somebody died out there. It wasn't me." You watched as your father dug through a cabinet before grabbing a loaded gun off the kitchen shelf. "Look, just gotta go on a little retrieval mission, then we can split."

"Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa. Dad, wait." The sight of a loaded weapon was enough to freak you out. "Retrieval mission? A gun? What- No! What are we doing? I didn't sign up for this."

Your dad spun around and placed his hands on your shoulders a little too harshly for your comfort. "The game is afoot. Okay, kid? We gotta go. Right now. And this time it's for the mother lode, the big kahuna, all the marbles. Alright?"

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