Chapter 3 : Another Attempt

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The room was designed with a decent décor. Mr. Kang sat in his personal study reviewing the statement of financial standing, financial and non-financial activities, and cash flow statements. He could see that a good deal of funds flowed in by the Blitzkrieg. A mafia group. Mrs. Kang never appreciated this, but Mr. Kang couldn't help it. The only thing that bothered him were the consequences that Layla was encountering. Nevertheless, he too had his faiths, or fears, one would not really know.

The peon came in and informed, 'Some men in fine suits, but visages not so fine are enquiring about Miss Layla and Miss Liana. Mrs. Kang is with them in the orphanage office.'

'I'm coming.' He replied. The peon left. Mr. Kang tidied his hair. Picked up his phone, the golden pocket watch and left for the office.


Kang Celine was a confident lady. She was slender and short in appearance, but loud in authority. And currently she felt like using the latter, and throw these men out of the house. 'She is away on a vacation. And what purpose makes you enquire about her? Do you think it's polite enough?' she asked furiously.

'We are only following a protocol,' one of them said.

'What protocol?'

'Calm down Mrs. Kang. We are following the orders. And you must help us abide by them,' the other officer assured, with a threat hidden in tone.

'What orders and protocols?' Mr. Kang entered the orphanage office and asked right away. He noticed that the men were wearing uninformed suits. Clearly they were 'someone'.

'Six months ago you people had filed for protection. Later, by some outside intervention your case was transferred from the law to our private security agency. It's a protocol to check at regular intervals if you all are fine.' The first officer stated.

Mr. Kang was confused completely, 'But we didn't transfer the charge...'

'It was transferred by Mr. Kim Samson. His secretary told us that he is a kin to you,' the second one said.

The first officer continued, 'The counter consent was given by Liana, your younger daughter and Layla, your elder daughter. We have to meet them both and carry out the formalities.'

'And Mrs. and Mr. Kang, we are very well aware that Layla is in Seoul itself. So, please cooperate,' the second officer assured again, this time with no hidden but clear threat.

Mr. Kang decided to obey. In situations like these, applying unnecessary brains was totally unnecessary. 'Alright, you have your seats. Celine I guess you should call Layla here.'

'You don't have to guess Mr. Kang. You definitely have to call Miss Layla, and Liana too.' The officer's tone was curt. He clearly hadn't enjoyed any of Mrs. Kang's rants. They wanted to get the business done quickly.

'Lily will be back from college in an hour. And I'll call Layla,' she gave in finally.


The car drove out of the dingy parking lot. They came under the vast spread sunlight. Layla closed her eyes, let her long deep brown hair loose, and relaxed herself comfortably on the headrest. No sooner had she done that, than her phone rang.

'Yes mom, How are you?' she picked up.
'I'm fine, where are you? We need you here at the orphanage. It's something urgent.'

Layla sensed some uncertainty in her mother's voice. 'What is it? An attack or something?' Layla asked, her voice tensed.

'There are some agents from a private security corporation. I saw guns with them too. They are enquiring about you and Lily. Come as soon as possible,' Mrs. Kang replied.

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