Chapter 6 : Fee Ra Huri

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A familiar music is playing.

...A vision appears...

Jayden is enjoying the music, walking in the bedroom balcony. He is impatient. Layla is taking too long. He is pacing up and down to hold on and when he turned around, his eyes met hers. She is wearing a saffron dress that he got for her. It's a sheer fabric and he could see through her clothes. She is looking beautiful. He smiles and she blushes.

...It fades away...

...Again a vision appears...

Jayden sees that the door to his private library is open. He enters and finds Layla on the couch sleeping. He smiles. And what he saw next snatched his smile away. Jayden strided toward the couch and slapped Layla harshly. She woke up, startled. Jayden forced himself upon her. He placed the gun in her mouth, she gagged, and Jayden satisfied himself...

...It fades away...

...Another vision comes over...

He murmured the name.
Jayden saw Bianca.

He had ordered a servant do something.

Her funeral...
She is dead...

It fades away...

One more vision flashes...

Some voices are ringing, familiar and unfamiliar.

"Kwang," it was Samson's voice, "It would be an end to you if you even dared to harm them!"

"End of me huh! Kindly worry about yourself!"

"You are keeping grudges with the wrong gang," Myron roared...

There was some more conversation happening, which was fainting away in the dark. Suddenly it all faded away.
It got pitch dark. And from somewhere, in the midst of it all, appeared two headlights of a haulage truck with a long and loud rampaging of tyres, and what he hears last was Layla screaming his name....


And with that Jayden came out of his fair of dreams. To be more precise nightmares. Miss Jane woke up too, flabbergasted, and approached him.

"It is alright, all fine, you are safe."

Jayden familiarizes himself again with the ICU room. The wall on the clock read 1:47 am. Jayden was panting hard, his pupils dilated, sweat trickling down his forehead and nape. "Water please," he murmured.

Jane got him a glass of water. She helped him lie down again and wiped his face off sweat. Then to soothe him she placed wet cloth on his head and neck, getting his temperature down. Once he got relaxed he began, "Jane, did you forward my message?"

"Yes, I did. Layla will be coming tomorrow. Dr. Nadine will be arriving too."

Jayden appreciated with just a nod.

"What did you see? A truck again?"

"I saw a lot more things....I saw Layla..."

"That's nice."

He looked at her with an impassive face. "Jayden, you will recover," she assured.

"It's wasn't good. Only a part of it was good," he was agitated.

Jane got curious, "Meaning?"

"I...Layla was crying. I did...I feel something, I have done something... I have done something very wrong..."

"Don't focus on that. Pay attention to what was good. Turn your conscious to the good part and your subconscious will heal your memory," Jane said.

Jayden sighed, "Maybe I have forgotten it all for the good."


Music was playing. Harp, flutes, drums and other accompaniments. When Harvey entered the room, Myron glanced at the clock on the wall, it read 1:47 am.

Harvey paid attention to the song, "Found a new one?" he asked Myron.

"No, quite old. Jayden liked this one a lot."

When lyrics came over, they both listened ardently,

'Wack fol' a day
diddle dee dye doe
Je le len'o je le lale len'o
Fiddle daddle doe
diddle dee dye doe
Ho de fee re huri'

"Well, what does that mean?" Harvey asked.

"Don't know..."

Harvey got down to playing with a rubik's cube kept on the table, "You don't know the meaning but still listening..."

Myron was staring into the sky through the skylight roof, "We don't know the meaning but still living..."

Harvey smirked, "What's the name?"

"Fee Ra Omnia."

Silence prevailed.
After a throught Myron spoke again, "What's her name?"

Now Harvey took to staring into the abyss above. "Nadine."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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