chapter 03 - friends and foes

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With trembling knees May stumbled into the classroom where she assumed she actually was having Math in. The class was already filled, and a first look on all the students one thing stood out to her - there were much more boys than there where girls.

May took a deep breath, pushing the door open, revealing herself to the entire class. The charger quieted down as soon May stepped in, and she got a major de ja vu. A younger man, supposedly the teacher, turned to look at her with curiosity in his eyes. He looked surprised before he blinked. 'Ah, miss maple. You're here. You are late, what happened?'

May curled her lips. 'I... I got the wrong class room. I'm so sorry,' she whispered, slightly bowing in forgiveness. Some laughs came from the students in the class, though she couldn't tell who exactly was laughing. 'I see. Then feel free to have a seat- but before you do, do you mind introducing yourself?'

May nodded, her cheeks pink. She marched over to the front of the class, struck a confident pose, and started with her introduction. 'Hi. I'm May, new here. It's awesome to meet you all,' she exclaimed, formatting what she was saying in the kindest way possible. A few guys snickered again.

May noticed that the teacher gave the laughing boys a bitter stare - she knew the teacher noticed how embarrassed May was already. But even though he did, the guys kept on whispering and May felt a terrible feeling bubble up in her stomach.

'Go pick a seat then,' The teacher whispered kindly, as May nodded awkwardly and let her gaze run across the classrooms seats. There were multiple empty seats, but back in the class she could see a red haired girl in the back. She looked upset, if in the slightest.

May licked her dry lips and marched over to the empty seat. 'Hi, could I sit here?' May asked. The girl immediately looked up to her, and she suddenly seemed happier. 'Oh! Y-Yes, of course!' She beamed, picking up her bag from the other seat so May could sit down. 'I'm May! You are...?'

'Brianna,' the girl answered shyly. Her eyes twinkled beautifully, and May assumed that the two of them could be good friends. May grinned at her cheekily before turning her head back. 'Did those boys make you uncomfortable by laughing?' Brianna asked, as if she picked up on Mays awkwardness. 'Kind of..'

'I understand.. the guys in this class can be really mean- I could know, I've been in this class for as long as I can remember.' She huffed, tapping her cheeks with her fingertips. 'Oh..' May croaked, her eyes filled with uncertainty. 'But.. hey, you'll get used to it! I mean, I did, eventually!'

May let out a chuckle. 'With you, I'm sure I will!' She giggled. 'Though what happened was sooo embarrassing! I walked into the wrong classroom, and when I found out it was so quiet and awkward! I felt as if I was going to lose my sanity!' She giggled. 'That sounds awful,' Brianna chimed in.



May rubbed the back of her neck. 'I led you into the wrong classroom? I'm so so sooo sorry!' Dawn apologized, bowing up and down, her eyes pleading. May let out a halfhearted laugh. 'No, it's okay, Dawn! Please don't say sorry! I should've asked if I was in the right classroom...'

Dawn shook her head. 'But I should've known that wasn't the right classroom! I could have sworn I showed you the right one.. but oh well..' She huffed, slowly breaking into a laugh. Brianna laughed along. May had introduced Dawn and Brianna to each other, and it already appeared they were able to get along greatly.

'So,' Dawn drawled, munching on her piece of bread. 'You guys doing anything after school?' She asked, her eyes glistening with curiosity. 'Yeah! I've got sports!' Brianna answered, nodding. 'I've got to pick up Max. Y'know, my little brother.' 'Ooh. right!'

Even though the cafeteria where they currently sat in was relatively busy, Mays jaw dropped when an even larger group of students stormed into the cafeteria. 'Move out of the way! We've got to see Hayden!' One girl screamed. Brianna immediately perked up and her eyes widened, and in a whip she had pulled herself up.  'Ah, Oh! May, Dawn. I've.. got to go, too! Gotta run!'

May couldn't even question where she was going before the girl had run off. Dawn lifted her finger to her chin. 'Y'know, I think she likes Mr Hayden here,' she whistled playfully, and May quirked an eyebrow in confusion. 'Mr who?' She asked, sticking a slice of cucumber into her mouth with her fork.

'Drew Hayden. The popular guy I told you about?' Dawn explained, stirring her straw in her drink. 'Oh- Right, Drew Hayden. Why does everyone like him so much?' May murmured, watching as groups of students stormed by. 'Don't you know? He's got great sense of fashion, they say he's really handsome, and last but not least, he's rich.'

May blinked. 'Well, that's great,' she commented sarcastically. 'If you ask me, people don't seem interested by the person he really is, huh? That would mean he's attracting lots of fake fangirls.' Dawn looked slightly surprised before she nodded. 'Honestly, I think you've got a pretty good point there.'

May shifted her eyes back to her plate in boredom. 'You've got to hear this. When I was heading to my class before there was this really rude guy! He led me into the wrong classroom and basically made a huge fool out of me in front of the class..' she huffed. 'Really? Dang, I'm sorry 'bout that. Yeah, I'm familiar with some.. meaner, people, in here.'

May sighed. 'Yeah, back at my old school where were some pretty rude people, too. I think every school just has some, yknow? It is a big pain and not to mention extremely embarrassing to stumble into the wrong classroom.' She whined. 'I could imagine,' Dawn retorted.


May walked around the halls anxiously, trying to prevent from bumping into anyone. She'd gotten herself into enough trouble already, she really couldn't handle any more. But right the moment when she had quickly looked behind her back, she bumped into someone.

'Ow,' May murmured. 'Oh, I'm so sorry..' She whispered - except she came to a halt when the very person in front of her was the same guy that had led her into the wrong classroom. 'It's... It's you!' May panicked, taking a step back in surprise, her teeth nearly clattering.

The boy looked surprised -- after they had bumped into each other his hair kind of looked like a mess. He then smirked, cocking an eyebrow. 'Watch where you're going. You like to be in people's way, don't you?' He exclaimed, quickly pulling his hood back over his head.

May clicked her tongue. 'Have you heard of being civil? I just apologized for bumping into you!' May snarled, brushing some stuff off of her legs. 'I don't talk friendly with people that dumbly storm the halls, miss klutz.' He retorted, sliding his fingers into his green locks. 'Miss Klutz!? Who do you think you a-'

'Stop running around like a fool and behave normally. See you around.'

Aaand he had disappeared. Not just that, but he cut her off as well. May looked back, watching the student walk off proudly. 'Who does that guy think he is?' May groaned to herself.


hi! ochou here. this chapter is mostly a filler, the next chapters are going to be more exciting.

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