chapter 09 - project partners!?

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May childishly kicked her feet beneath her table, barely paying attention to the ongoing class. It had been obvious that the weather was drastically changing; it had become colder, and it rained more often. Right the second rain was hitting against the window May was sitting next to, causing for her to lose concentration.

'Ahem. Miss Maple?'

In a shock May turned her head around, her eyes met with that of her teacher. The man looked into her eyes with slight annoyance in his orbs. 'You weren't paying attention, were you?' He asked, slightly hanging over May's table. Intimidated, May clenched her fists. 'Uhm.. no sir, I was losing concentration. I'm sorry. It won't happen again..'

The teacher paused before giving a half-hearted nod. 'Good. Next time make sure that you're not distracted. Understood, miss?' May felt anxiety bubble up in her stomach as she nodded. 'Got it. Sorry again, sir.' The teacher looked at her before turning around, walking back to the whiteboard in front of the class.

In a hurry, May looked at the other side of the class, making sure no one looked at her. But as expected, the infamous Drew Hayden was. And he was not just looking, no, he had this victory like smirk on his face as if he had won something. Furious, May clenched her teeth, which went noticed by him.

He snickered, winking at her playfully before sticking his tongue out and turning back to the teacher. Irritated, May angrily turned around and continued listening to the teacher's instructions. The voice of the teacher barely rung through her ears as she couldn't help but think of him.

'I hope that sounds clear for everybody,' The teacher called out, his eyebrows furrowing. 'Then on to the next subject. Around this time of year you guys will be assigned to a partner project. In this partner project you'll be helping each other improve your struggles by working together and sharing knowlegde.'

The teacher paused before continuing. 'Does that sound understandable? Any more questions?' There came no answer, nor gestures, so the teacher nodded. 'Good. Then I'll be naming the duo's that I randomly generated this morning,' The teacher announced, quickly glaring at his computer screen before he began naming the partners.

Names rung through her ears that she had never heard before. Disinterested, she placed her chin in the palm of her hand and continued to lazily listen to the duo's that were named. Then, the two very names the refused to hear after each other could be heard. 'May maple and Drew Hayden,' The teacher said. 'And lastly Joshua and Erica. Is that clear?'

May once again felt anxiety rise in her stomach as her gaze shift towards Drew, who looked just as surprised. But it looked like he recovered quickly, because once again a grin was on his face. He looked her into the eyes with narrowed eyes, as if telling her 'Man, this'll be fun'.

May's lips quivered before the spun back to the teacher. 'You'll be having time to finish this project until the fall break, so that means within a couple of weeks. If there are any more questions feel free to let me know,' the teacher quipped, turning back to the whiteboard.


Most students had left class already to head to the cafeteria. May was about to slide her books into her backpack calmly, when suddenly, Drew had slammed his hands on the table, grabbing May's attention. 'Alright princess, what's the plan?' He asked haughtily, a smirk plastered on his face.

Blushing, May blinked before replying. The blush faded off her cheeks as she cocked her eyebrow in a questioning matter. 'Who're you calling princess?' May snickered, shoving her books into her backpack with a half-hearted grin. Drew slightly narrowed his eyes. 'I know you know.' He answered. 'So what's the plan?'

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