The Party I Found You At.

753 6 11

No quirks AU
Cheating (?)
Underage drinking (don't do this)

I wish I could tell you Katsuki didn't love Izuku. I wish I could tell you this was some silly high school sweethearts love story and they'd eventually break up in senior year ready to move on with their lives.

But I'm not gonna lie to you.

Katsuki is head over heels for Izuku, and he doesn't know how to say it. He doesn't know how to bring up the subject of love with someone so free spirited, barely staying in one place for even a few seconds. He was all over the place, running around, enjoying his high school years. Even though he seemed not to care at all, he'd still do things, cheesy things, to show he cared enough about Katsuki.

He'd hold his hand, constantly, he'd write little notes and leave them in his locker before he'd have to play basketball games, he'd sit with him at lunch, basically dumping his whole lunch on his tray. Anyone observing would say they loved each other and in a few years they'd be married on a house on a hill.

But they had an argument about that, about what would happen after high school. Katsuki wanted to possibly go to the same college, have a long distance relationship, anything. But Izuku said he wanted to move on after high school, he wanted to start his real life.

Because Katsuki wasn't real enough for him.

Katsuki wasn't sure what he had meant by that. They had been friends since kindergarten. The bickering type of friends, who no one could imagine eventually dating. So it was pretty shocking when they got into the same high school and finally confessed to each other.

Anyone would say that's pretty fucking real. That's not something that was meant to be thrown away with the blink of an eye. A four year relationship seems really goddamn real.

Katsuki scoffed, pulling one side of his headphones off of his ear. His head snapped towards the door, his expression angry and annoyed already.

"What!" He yelled at the door, gripping his pencil tightly in his hand.

He was studying, they had a test the next day he really needed to pass.

The door knob jiggled, Katsuki rolled his eyes, knowing he had locked it to keep his parents out of his room while he studied.

"Jesus christ," he whispered under he breath, leaning a bit farther in his seat and pushing himself off of his desk, "who is it!"

When there were no words still, just jiggles at the doorknob his groaned, pulling his headphones off completely and throwing them onto his desk. He abruptly stood from his desk chair and stomped over to the door.

He unlocked the door and aggressively turned the knob, swinging the door open and taking a step back.

But it wasn't his mom, or his dad, like he had been expecting. It was Izuku.

"Deku? What the fuck are you doing here?"

He seemed a little more than a lot annoyed.

Izuku gave him a weak smile, holding up his math book.

"I needa bit of help."

Katsuki rolled his eyes and stepped to the side, giving in with almost no protest.

Izuku smiled brightly and walked in, going straight for his bed and flopping down to his stomach.

Katsuki looked over at him, still standing with his door open, "tch, why're you so tired?"

He turned to look at his door, closing it and turning so he could walk back to his bed.

Izuku sighed loudly, "just boring mom things, she was angry that I needed help with math so I had to sneak out my window after like- an hour of her chewing my ear out."

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